Shop - Albums containing A Fool Such as I
50 Years 50 Hits

50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong

50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong

All The Best

All Time Greatest Hits

Artist Of The Century

Country Collection

ELV1S 30 #1 Hits

ELV1S 30 #1 Hits

ELV1S 30 #1 Hits Collector's Crate

CD+ T-Shirt+Crate= Must Have Fan Pack!
With a CD, artist t-shirt and custom storage crate, each Limited Edition Collector's Crates package is a fun-filled fan experience that's priced right and time perfectly for the 2009 holiday gift-giving season!
ELV1S 30 #1 Hits Deluxe 2 CD Edition

Elvis - The Dutch Collection

Elvis - The King

Elvis 2000: Best Of The King

Elvis 75

The CD "Elvis 75" celebrates the 75th birthday of Elvis Presley and the life and music of the world’s first rock and roll star. The three CD, 75 song collection is released four days before what would have been The King’s 75th Birthday. Elvis 75 demonstrates Presley at his best.
The collection runs from "Heartbreak Hotel" -- the classic that first made Elvis’ name in the UK back in 1956, to the hugely popular "A Little Less Conversation" -- the number 1 JXL remix that was released in 2002 and reaffirmed the British adoration for the hip-swivelling King of rock’n’roll.
The selection features the biggest UK smash hits, encompassing many genres and amazingly all 75 of these songs were Top 20 hits!
Elvis 75 - Good Rockin' Tonight

A 4 CD set celebrating Elvis Presley's 75th birthday.
Elvis Aron Presley

Elvis Forever - Limited Edition

Elvis Hits

Elvis Presley As He Was Meant To Be Heard Volume 3

Covering the years 1958-59, this CD continues the series which presents the original Elvis Presley studio recordings with a minimum of sound processing.
Essential Elvis, Volume 3 - Hits Like Never Before


From The Heart

Great Country Songs

Great Country Songs Remastered Edition