Essential Elvis, Volume 4 - A Hundred Years From Now

4.8 / 5
- I Didn't Make It on Playing Guitar
- I Washed My Hands in Muddy Water (unedited/ undubbed)
- Little Cabin on the Hill (take 1)
- A Hundred Years from Now (take 2)
- I've Lost You (take 6)
- Got My Mojo Working/ Keep Your Hands off of It (unedited)
- You Don't Have to Say You Love Me (take 2)
- It Ain't No Big Thing (but It's Growing) (take 2)
- Cindy, Cindy (take 1)
- Faded Love (country version, 1970/04/04, take 3)
- The Fool (take 1)
- Rags to Riches (take 3)
- Just Pretend (take 2)
- If I Were You (take 5)
- Faded Love (take 3)
- Where Did They Go Lord (take 1)
- It's Only Love (take 9)
- Until It's Time for You to Go (1971/06/08)
- Patch It Up (take 9)
- Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On (unedited)
- The Lord's Prayer
yelserp wrote on
March 11, 2007
Elvis in 1970 was at the top of his game - the sublime ballads I've Lost You, Rags To Riches and Just Pretend are perfection while the rockers, Whole Lotta Shakin', I Washed My Hands and Patch It Up show the energy and commitment of a man in his prime. A superb album!
Rating: 5 / 5
Rating: 5 / 5
JerryNodak wrote on
July 22, 2007
My favorite cd in this series. "The Lord's Prayer" is fine when you consider that it is sung accapella and totally unrehearsed. In other words an "informal" recording. It is NOT a master.
Rating: 5 / 5
Mystery Rider wrote on
August 13, 2007
Lots of Good Music on this CD I didnt make it on Playing Guitar is really Good, then slow it down with Rags to Riches. well done.
Rating: 5 / 5
Jumpin Jehosaphat wrote on
November 17, 2007
a really good bunch of stongs. however the cover could use a face lift.
Rating: 4 / 5
Gan wrote on
April 26, 2009
All of the performances in this album are inspiring!!! Our King was in his top form. One of my most favorite albums.
Rating: 5 / 5