Raised On Rock

2.4 / 5
CD release of this 1973 album.
- Raised on Rock
- Are You Sincere
- Find out What's Happening
- I Miss You
- Girl of Mine
- For Ol' Times Sake
- If You Don't Come Back
- Just a Little Bit
- Sweet Angeline
- Three Corn Patches
Rating: 2 / 5
dbacke1 wrote on
March 15, 2007
I don't agree with Tina S., which is no surprise, since she seems to slam just about all of Elvis' albums. There are some other good numbers, "Just A Little Bit" being one of them. As stated earlier, these albums for the most part were poorly produced, and perhaps a re-release/re-engineering/repackaging would do the material and Elvis some justice.
Rating: 3 / 5
Mystery Rider wrote on
June 30, 2007
There was a point when RCA thought that anything elvis would sell, so they tossed this out to the public. Bad song, bad cover a zero all around
Rating: 1 / 5