The numbered, limited edition 'If I Can Dream'/'Bridge Over Troubled Water' 45RPM Vinyl Single' has debuted at No. 1 on the UK's Vinyl Single Chart. Probably it does not take huge numbers to make this chart, but it is a number 1 just the same as we start to watch the global impact of the new 'If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra' CD.
No. 1 In The UK
November 04, 2015 | Music
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 04, 2015
These singles are Limited Editions and numbered. As can be seen on the cover shown they have printed at least 1662 copies.
moseleyman wrote on
November 04, 2015
Also on the album chart update for the 2nd of November Elvis is at No 1!! On the UK ALBUM CHARTS IF sales keep up. By end of week Elvis will have his 12th UK NO 1 Album. So I think all the doubters and dislikers of this album can truly now. Eat humble pie and admit this album was a very good idea. It has so many fabulous tracks. Bridge Otw and And the grass won't pay no mind are my faves and Yes I prefer them to the original tracks and I've been a Fan of Elvis since the 60s ELVIS reigns supreme again !! and he's on TV tonight to boot. Oh it's great time for Elvis fans. So please everyone drop the negative comments u can't argue with sales figures of the New Elvis album
moseleyman wrote on
November 04, 2015
Give me the old days when an Elvis fan would buy every release sometimes with a different cover just to support Elvis and show the world who was King. Lex I think you are insulting all the fans in calling them idiots myself included I was thrilled when I received my single it was like being back pre 1977 again and the thrill I felt getting the new Elvis single and it was a New single this time something I hadn't got in my collection
moseleyman wrote on
November 04, 2015
Or you can put it another way Lex. 1662 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong. Underline Elvis Fans !!! Lol
Natha wrote on
November 04, 2015
I am happy with the results and for that matter that fans like it. I am also a long time fan Moseleyman and remember the days and the thrills when a new single was released. Although - even after listening to it - I was not very impressed I can understand that people like the new album. The only version I liked was Grass (I was never thrilled by the original anyway). And I liked the voice of Elvis so much up front. That said I think it is a great result to have The King back on no 1 as it will draw attention to his unparalleled legacy ;)
(Btw, I can still be thrilled getting my latest purchase too.)
moseleyman wrote on
November 04, 2015
Well said natha
Obviously it's not everyone's taste the new album even b4 1977 Elvis couldn't please his fans all the while
What artist can? I remember a scathing reviews of From Elvis Presley Boulevard when it was released in Elvis monthly
But it's nice to get that feeling again eh of a new album which I suppose only us "older" lol fans can appreciate think it's all to do with perspective and the way we view Elvis now to the way we did then
And totally agree on And the Grass won't pay no mind it's a totally different and better song now
In fact dont you think that if there is a volume 2 which looking at the success there will be that they concentrate on less know Elvis sings like Grass won't pay no mind and anything that's part of you to redo rather than the hits ? There's a lot of songs from the 6os and 70s that would benefit from a full orchestra so everyone your fave Unknown elvis songs now let's see what everyone comes up with maybe they will see this when picking tracks for next album
Although I'm over the moon with the first one and still playing it every day
Natha wrote on
November 04, 2015
Well this is what I wroteafter I had version handed over to me:
I listened to the cd as some think one may judge too soon. Just a few quick notes from my end.
Burning Love starts of with an intro that does not make any sense – and so does the end.
Love me tender, is okay. Just like at the end of the movie the orchestra has some function and that is repeated here
Fever – I feel that the orchestra does not match with the young voice of Elvis. I don’t like the duet type while it is obvious that the the other voice is responding to the orchestra, while (as in all remakes) Elvis is not responding to the orchestra but is in harmony with the original.
And the grass – never one of my favorites – has improved (!)
In the ghetto has a draggingggg end without the King himself. So it ends boring.
There is more to say, but let’s keep it to this. Basically I have a feeling that the orchestra is doing one thing and Elvis is doing something else.
The only enormous thing that helped me going through this and enjoy was that Elvis the King is so much upfront that it lifted my heart over all the (expected) disappointments.
A once in a life time listen. I am happy to leave the copies for sale to those who enjoy it.
Am I getting older? Maybe. Or possibly I am just another type of Elvis fan. For me the originals have that extra; maybe it is because Elvis WAS involved and this is fabricated.
Natha wrote on
November 04, 2015
Moseleyman, maybe if the selection had been deifferent it might have that little extra edge. I'll think it over ;)
Deke57 wrote on
November 05, 2015
Great Single...Great CD....I'm just proud of our MAN and the fact that he still gets the respect and attention that he deserves!!
JerryNodak wrote on
November 05, 2015
Just curious: How many units does a single cd release have to sell these days to top the UK charts?
Gorse wrote on
November 05, 2015
I have a lot of time for your opinions through the years Natha but on this one I am at the other end of the spectrum..
To my ears the CD release is mind blowing and I have not experienced the atmosphere and emotion created in a collection except perhaps in the 'How Great Thou Art' album. A lot of thought and time has gone into this release, and coupled with the most enjoyable, interesting and well researched Joanna Lumley programme on him last night will only enhance his reputation with the uncommitted.
Natha wrote on
November 05, 2015
Thank you, Gorse. Ditto from my end.
I fully agree that people put al lot of energy into this project. And as I gather most people appreciate it. So for clarity sake I am very very happy with that. I guess (again) it is just not my taste. As Moseleyman asked me I gave it some thought of how it would be if less well known (movie?) tracks were given another treatment like this. And I must concur that seems quite an interesting idea as I am sure certain songs will be so much better than those mostly poorly produced songs (though it might not sell that well). This selection is mostly perfect in its original form(at), hence my reservation. I am not saying that it is ruined, far from that.
Wolfy wrote on
November 05, 2015
Beautiful renditions. Just beautiful and felt. Elvis' voice is always 'felt'. The soul of his instrument once again shines in these new versions. Let's face it, Elvis was continually recreating renditions of his own songs and hits .. From Hound Dog, All Shook up, Cant Help Falling In Love, and Love Me Tender to his more modern Suspicious Minds and Bridge Over Troubled Water and even his Gospel versions of How Great Thou Art; the man continued to tweak and expand these songs as newer technologies and instruments became available to him. Priscilla Presley has continued this process and being a huge Elvis fan, I appreciate the 'new' feel of this album. In an earlier post on this subject somebody mentioned that Elvis lives.. perhaps not in the physical but through the spirit of his art. This is release is another gorgeous brushstroke on the canvas of his career. Well done to all involved. I know what I will getting friends and family for Christmas this year ;)
TheMemphisFan wrote on
November 05, 2015
JerryNodak wrote -- "How many units does a single cd release have to sell these days to top the UK charts?"
Jerry, hopefully Mr. Brian Quinn will be able to obtain that information for us all, and I'll also be interested in how many units it sells for the first week in the U.S.
Lefty wrote on
November 06, 2015
I bought the album and have listened through it a couple of times. I have mixed feelings about it. In some spots, it sounds absolutely beautiful, in other spots, it sounds contrived. A few things really stand out, or at least leave me thinking. Why did they choose Burning Love and Steamroller? Those songs do not work in this context. What is going on with Duane Eddy's guitar? Was he trying to play out of tune? I never appreciated Elvis' back up singers until I heard this crop of studio musicians who had never sang with Elvis. They sound okay, but man, they are not the group we all know and love. Overall, I give the album a 5 out of 10 score.
Madliena wrote on
November 06, 2015
The album is also now, of today with the new chart, No1 in the UK! According to the BBC "Elvis claims the Number 1 spot with 79,000 chart sales, giving him the second-fastest selling album of the year behind Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds’ Chasing Yesterday"
Torments my heart wrote on
November 06, 2015
No 1 again!!!!! I'm so proud! It really deserves it. Re-issues will never be capable of doing this again... this is honestly a whole new sound and Elvis has never sounded better, clearer or had arrangements and accompaniment so worthy of his talent.
TheMemphisFan wrote on
November 07, 2015
I just finished listening (with headphones) to the entire If I Can Dream cd. Here's my unbiased, 41-years-an-Elvis-fan opinion -- There are six excellent (5-star) tracks! - "Bridge Over Troubled Water", "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin", "Love Me Tender", "How Great Thou Art", "And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind", and yes... "Burning Love". There are four tracks that I feel are very good that I give a 4-star rating - "There's Always Me", "An American Trilogy", "If I Can Dream", and "Steamroller Blues" which finishes with a subtle sound of steam in the left channel... nice touch.
"It's Now Or Never" has a more European sound now (if that makes any sense) but the vocals of Il Volo fail to add anything special to the song. "Fever" starts out reminding me of Elvis' 1966 recording of "City By Night"... it's a fun listen with Michael Bublé but not one of the best tracks. "Can't Help Falling In Love" is okay, but it doesn't even come close to the quality of the original. The weakest track (by far... in my opinion) is "In The Ghetto". The album would've been better if "In The Ghetto" had been left off and replaced with the superior (5-star) "What Now My Love".
Conclusion -- This cd isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it certainly isn't anything to be embarrassed about. I personally would recommend it to anyone. I'm glad it's a #1 hit in the U.K. and I hope it at least cracks the Top-10 on the Billboard 200 chart here in the U.S. I'm looking forward to the final sales total for the first week.
moseleyman wrote on
November 07, 2015
I think Elvis news should report on Elvis being at No1 on the Album Chart. Well done everyone who got behind the album. Our guy is back where he belongs. With a New Album. Can't pick a Fave track at the moment as I luv them all. But grass won't pay no mind and bridge are getting close. Well done UK fans now bombard all your radio stations to play tracks off it
Moody_Blue wrote on
November 07, 2015
The album has also entered the Australia’s album charts at number one.
Gorse wrote on
November 07, 2015
Yes a rather special and wonderful time for us committed fans who never leave the Elvis ship during stormy weather. I will make the most of this occasion as it might never happen again. I also feel, and I choose my words carefully, that this release though not better or necessarily more exciting than previous favourite albums, has that extra bit of class.
Gorse wrote on
November 07, 2015
Yes a rather special and wonderful time for us committed fans who never leave the Elvis ship during stormy weather. I will make the most of this occasion as it might never happen again. I also feel, and I choose my words carefully, that this release though not better or necessarily more exciting than previous favourite albums, has that extra bit of class.
Lex wrote on
November 07, 2015
To put in another quote: "It's tough sh1t, anyway you look at it" :-)
ElvisDayByDay wrote on
November 07, 2015
Sh1t or not, this is last week's news. The single dropped to #2. Perhaps a sign of good news for Lex :-)
joemin wrote on
November 08, 2015
When Todd Slaughter suggested this album about 12 years ago I was very much against it. However it has been done well and it showcases the voice very well. I am amazed at how successful it has been. It has brought Elvis back front and center again. This will be a big seller from now to January. I expect there will be a volume 2. This will help sales of other Elvis albums. I see Elvis #1s is back in at 75 in the UK. I hope Brian Quinn gives us regular updates on sales etc. As long as Elvis is successful there will be a continuous supply of Elvis product. That is what we all want.
Emiel Maier wrote on
November 08, 2015
Perhaps it is too early at this stage - while the album is at the number one spot at this moment - but will there be a follow up? (Like Elv1s was followed by Second to None). This will be a hard one to top. Reason for this is that the most appropriate songs are already been used. Will the public also willing to buy an album with lesser known songs? But let us just fantasize for a while. I really think the Don Robertson songs are very suitable.
Some songs to think about? 1. The impossible dream, 2. They remind me to much of you. 3. It's only love. 4. We can make the morning. 5. My boy. 6. Always on my mind. 7. Suppose. 8. It hurts me. 9. Something. 10. The sound of your cry. 11.Unchainded melody. 12. I really don't want to know. Any other options?
Lex wrote on
November 08, 2015
Old MacDonald, Yoga Is As Yoga Does... you can't ruin anything there.
Rob Wanders wrote on
November 08, 2015
listened to the cd now 2 times. Also here mixed feelings. For me Love me tender is a bit outplaced, you hear a very young elvisvoice, compared to the others songs. And the song is simple. For me it works better to keep it simple. Not so keen on this In the ghetto also. I like You've lost that loving feeling, Bridge and An American Trilogy the most. They are also the songs that can have a big orchestra sound. Burning love is very cool too and Fever also. Nice duet. Nicely done. the intro of Fever is a bit strange though. I thought our man was going to burst out in Summertime from Porgy and Bess but it was Fever.
TheMemphisFan wrote on
November 08, 2015
After listening to the cd a couple of more times, I've reconsidered my thinking on "It's Now Or Never".
I do like the new European flavor that it now has and the voices of Il Volo can be given credit for that in a positive way.
However, my main issue with "In The Ghetto" still remains. The song ends with the female voices loudly repeating the words... In The Ghetto! ... about 5 times without a fade out. It seems to be a case of overkill with the use of the back-up singers.
Dazman wrote on
November 09, 2015
Just heard the shorts on iTunes. By no means a fan of this concept. It's for aesthetic enjoyment only if your not an Elvis purist. It works on some tracks like Love Me Tender, It's Now or Never, Can't Help... and "Bridge". They should leave well enough alone on In The Ghetto because its a message song that only requires minimal backing. The strings make it sound like just another pretty ballad. The strings really sound like they're trying to outdo the original drama from the title track, Lovin' Feeling and Trilogy though Duane Eddy's twangs gives the latter a nice touch but otherwise it sounds like a constant climax throughout the song. The efforts on Burning Love and "Steamroller" really trash their brand.
I would much rather an album of remixes like they did with "Conversation", Rubberneckin' and I Got a Feelin' in my Body because (a) it suits the music and (b) the songs aren't well known EP songs.
Dazman wrote on
November 09, 2015
Pesonally, I think it's #1 achievement is a very shallow one. It tells me that Elvis' music has to be so dramatically dressed up to convince the average man on the street. 30 No.1's is proof that his music doesn't need it.
Dazman wrote on
November 09, 2015
Yes, me again !! I reckon it got there by 'Cilla's promotion rather than merit.
Gorse wrote on
November 09, 2015
Interesting line up Emiel Maier as there are so many promising permutations but I would not include Impossible Dream as the vocal was less than perfect. The release should have hooks like (if they can work) All Shook Up, Surrender, Suspicious Minds, The Wonder of You (Album Title Song ). and Return To Sender. Then include vocal masterpieces such as Like A Baby, Any Day Now, Unchained Melody, Pocketful of Rainbows, Tomorrow Never Comes, My Boy, and It Hurts Me. Add in forgotten gems Let Yourself Go and So Glad You're Mine and I think we would have something really marketable. I would buy 2 copies one for me and the other for Lex :-)
Rob Wanders wrote on
November 09, 2015
funny that they spliced An American Trilogy from the 1972 Las Vegas and from the 1973 Aloha version. I wonder why?
TheMemphisFan wrote on
November 10, 2015
U.S. Billboard 200 album chart - #21 "If I Can Dream" (first week)
Emiel Maier wrote on
November 13, 2015
The new charts positions are about to emerge. The current positions are: Number 1 England, Australia,Scotland. Number 2: Ireland & Austria. Number 3: New Zealand. (Billboard no.21 : That is an impressive listing in a chart where rap, hip-hop and country music dominates). In other european countries progress can be made for instance in Belgium (no.10) and Holland (no.17). I have no idea how the album is being received in for instance South America or Asia. If anyone has more information: please make posting.