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She Wears My Ring

3.6 / 5

Words & Music: Boudleaux Bryant Felice Bryant

She wears my ring to show the world that she belongs to me
She wears my ring to show the world she's mine eternally
With loving care I placed it on her finger
To show my love for all the world to see

This tiny ring is a token of tender emotion
An endless pool of love that's as deep as the ocean
She swears to wear it with eternal devotion
That's why I sing, because she wears my ring

She swears to wear it with eternal devotion
That's why I sing, because she wears my ring

This tiny ring is a token of tender emotion
An endless pool of love that's as deep as the ocean
She swears to wear it with eternal devotion
That's why I sing, because she wears my ring
That's why I sing, because she wears my ring

Recordingdate: 1973/12/16, first released on: Good Times (album)


Musicians who contributed to the first recording of She Wears My Ring:




*Orchestra, overdubs


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old shep wrote on May 29, 2008
The Bryants wrote some beautiful songs and its a great pity that Elvis didn't record more of them. I have always liked this song and Elvis sings it extremely well. A good track from an equally good album(Good Times)
My boy, my boy wrote on December 23, 2008
A truly beautiful ballad !....Made for Elvis's voice !...He should've performed this one live !
TBG wrote on December 23, 2008
I don't like this song at all, it's very mediocre - the weakest song by far on the Good Times album.
Natha wrote on December 23, 2008
Lovely tender balad. Played it on my wedding day. It was received with great appreciation!
JerryNodak wrote on December 23, 2008
A great country song. Sung by someone who knew a thing or two about country music. One of my favorite tracks on "Good Times."
Steve V wrote on December 23, 2008
I perfer Roy Orbison's version but its not one of the better Bryant tunes.
Marty_TCE wrote on December 23, 2008
Not over keen on this one, but wouldn't say that I don't like it.
Elvislover626 wrote on December 24, 2008
I love this song! Elvis does such a good job on it! A great song from a great album!
Deano1 wrote on August 20, 2012
I would have to put this one in the category of lesser tracks on the "Good Times" LP. Elvis over sings it in parts and for one of the rare times does not seem to be in sync with the tenderness of the lyrics. I love over the top Elvis ballads, but this one called for more of a "Sweet Angeline" touch with softness touched with power. I don't totally dislike it, but I so much more enjoy "Lovin' Arms", "My Boy", "Talk About The Good Time", "Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues", "I've Got A Thing About You Baby" and evey "I Got A Feelin' In My Body". I put this one with "If That Isn't Love", "Spanish Eyes" and "Take Good Care Of Her"...good, but not Elvis' best work. Overall the LP is not one of Elvis' best.
GEORGE (GK) wrote on August 20, 2012
Not one of my favorites. Same goes for "Spanish Eyes" and a few others. A big part of the problem of this recording is how it was recorded, and overdubbed, It sounds too hollow, and empty. And Elvis preformance, could have been better. But regardless, its Elvis and I love him.
GEORGE (GK) wrote on August 20, 2012
"If That Isn't Love", "Spanish Eyes" and "Take Good Care Of Her"... are decent, but songs like, Lovin' Arms", "My Boy", "Talk About The Good Time", "Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues", "I've Got A Thing About You Baby" and "I Got A Feelin' In My Body", are so much, much better !
Biffx wrote on August 20, 2012
A song nicely sung by Elvis, a good ballad from a good album. Nothing at all wrong with this track.
Great Dane wrote on August 20, 2012
A lesser song on an album i like very much. Still give it 31/2 stars.
sugartummy wrote on May 02, 2013
Not a great song, not a great arrangment. Three stars.
Gorse wrote on April 14, 2014
Beautifully sung with that fabulous vibrato. I do agree however that something is lacking and is the same feeling I have with modern divas who sing the socks off songs but leave you slightly cold. Still this is worth 4 stars - just.
Cruiser621 wrote on November 19, 2015
Boring; don't care for it.
ElvisSacramento wrote on November 20, 2015
In my opinion, this is a beautiful and underrated ballad and Elvis' rendition of it was splendid. This is such a great song to play at a wedding. I like every song from the "Good Times" album immensely.
Milky White Way wrote on March 05, 2023
I played this song at my wedding. It’s beautiful but slightly over the top. It could have been sang softer imo. Good Times is an outstanding album and this song fits perfectly. 4 stars
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