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I Asked the Lord (He's Only a Prayer Away)

4.2 / 5

Words & Music: Johnny Lange Jimmy Duncan

I thank the Lord for everything
When things are going my way
He said to me I will comfort thee
And drive your cares away

He promised me I will walk thee
And drive your cares away

I did not ask for riches
He gave me wealth untold
The moon, the stars, the sun the sky
(Are there for you) to behold

I thank the lord for everything
And I count my blessings each day
He came to me when I needed Him
I only have to pray
And He'll come to you if you ask Him to
He's only a prayer away

Recordingdate: 1959, first released on: A Golden Celebration (album)


Musicians who contributed to the first recording of I Asked the Lord (He's Only a Prayer Away):



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dgirl wrote on February 23, 2009
Even wth bad sound quality this is an amazing performance. Boy how I wish he would have recorded this one in the studio with just a piano.
Cruiser621 wrote on March 03, 2012
I would have given this song 5-stars except for the sound quality, but I agree whole heartedly, this song should have definitely been officially recorded by RCA. It would have been awesome. Just Elvis and the piano. So many off the cuff moments were missed in recording him. So many. It's a shame.
freedom101 wrote on March 04, 2012
Elvis definitely should've recorded this song in the studio. Even on this recording the magic of his voice and his artistry shines.
ElvisSacramento wrote on December 30, 2012
This is such a beautiful song and Elvis' performance of it was spectacular. Unfortunately, the sound quality is bad. Elvis definitely should've recorded this gem in the studio for a studio album release.
Gorse wrote on December 30, 2012
Same for me as well ; what might have been as opposed to someone relaxing with friends and singing his favourite music namely gospel, which if had lived a lot longer would not have been released.
Chris1966 wrote on December 30, 2012
For some reason i always thought this song was called I Thank The Lord!
sugartummy wrote on March 12, 2013
This one was recorded in Bad Nauheim in the summer of 1959. The sound quality is poor.
atomic powered poste wrote on July 03, 2018
Don't blame elvis for this, it is, what it is, a poor quality home recording, never intended to be released, but listening to this? More than once in my life? No. Shouldn't be released.
atomic powered poste wrote on July 03, 2018
Don't blame elvis for this, it is, what it is, a poor quality home recording, never intended to be released, but listening to this? More than once in my life? No. Shouldn't be released.
Jimmy Cool wrote on February 20, 2022
Charming performance; Elvis at his most vulnerable. I first heard it on "Elvis '56" and have loved it ever since.
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