A Life In Music

4.6 / 5
Rating: 5 / 5
Rating: 5 / 5
Poffe wrote on
November 21, 2005
This book plus "Elvis: Day by Day" is all you need to know all about Elvis. Other biographies by various writers only tells their personal story and how they look upon Elvis. This book consists of mere facts.
Rating: 5 / 5
JerryNodak wrote on
December 31, 2005
I really don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said by the previous posters. I'm in total agreement.
Rating: 5 / 5
Rating: 5 / 5
Cher wrote on
March 13, 2009
This book is pretty much my Elvis bible. Mine's got tabs, bookmarks and various other notes and looks like I carry it with me everywhere. Well I do pretty much. My MP3 player has nothing but hundreds and hundreds of Elvis tunes, various versions and such and this book helps me to remember not only where Elvis was when he recorded a tune, but who was with him, who was singing or playing with him and what the ambience of the day was. I love this book and any true Elvis collection cannot be complete without it.
Rating: 5 / 5
eric c wrote on
March 21, 2009
of all the Elvis books out there this one stands alone.An absolute MUST for any and all Elvis fans.LOVE IT,LOVE IT,LOVE IT!!!!!
Rating: 5 / 5
BriaNicholas07 wrote on
April 15, 2009
This book is great, to say the least. I referred to my first copy so much that I wore out the binding! My one complaint now is.....why hasn't Ernst Jorgensen updated it? From what I know, this particular book is the 2nd or 3rd version, so why not keep going? With all the FTD releases that have come since, there's a lot of missing data that I know Elvis fans would love to have included in a revised edition! Who can contact Mr. Jorgensen?!
Rating: 3 / 5
Rating: 3 / 5