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Back In Memphis


Back In Memphis
Released: 2012/12 by FTD

 Classic album series.


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JerryNodak wrote on December 24, 2012
I've always enjoyed the original album, but I already have that on the FEIM/BIM Legacy release. So the question is do I really need the outtakes? Gotta tell you my appetite for outtakes has greatly diminished over time. Perhaps I'll buy this someday.
Rating: 4 / 5
Cruiser621 wrote on January 12, 2013
Well, I broke down and actually ordered this FTD release. Why, I know not, other than the songs are awesome, except for "A Stranger In My Own Town" which was really a jam to begin with and I really could do without; not one of my personal favorites to be blunt. I get the feeling that back in the day, this album could have been a big, big hit, if the inclusion of certain songs and a better sequencing of them had taken place; I think this album, although not as strong as the more successful "Elvis In Memphis" could have been huge starting with the inclusion of Kentucky Rain, If I'm A Fool, I'll Be There and of course Suspicious Minds (Without The Ridiculous Fade Out and Fade In at the end). I'm listening to a CD I burned with said songs in my sequencing to get me in the mood for the FTD version, which is due at the end of this month. I've got most of the stuff on this FTD version, but once an Elvis addict, always a fan.
Rating: 4 / 5