- Taken on:
- 1977/05/01
- Source:
- Elvis The Concert Years (Stein Erik Skar)
- Photo:
- Steve Yach in Elvis Encore Performance III (Joseph A. Tunzi)
- Location:
- Chicago Stadium, Chicago Illinois
- Attendance
- 20.000
- Suit
- King Of Spades Suit
- Info:
For over two decades Elvis had been one of the most sales-boosting people that the press could write about, both in the United States and in Europe. Rarely could they find anything really negative to say about the person Elvis. But now, after steadfast and protracted rumours about drug abuse, after cancelled concerts, abysmal concerts - with Elvis like a blown-up caricature of his former self, it seems as though the press in the USA suddenly did so many cracks in Elvis the picture postcard that the journalists throw themselves over him - like a flock of starving vultures throwing themselves over raw meat.
This April/May tour was miserable. Elvis had become worse every day this year and the gap between the decent concerts lengthened. A member of the audience commented after the show in Greensboro: "You got the impression that it would cause him great pain if he moved quickly." The reviews from some of the shows were also good during this tour, and in a few of the concerts Elvis sang well enough, but Elvis was so dreadful during a number of shows that it couldn't be explained in any other way than that he had absolutely no control over his own situation.