- Taken on:
- 1975/07/09
- Source:
- Internet
- Photo:
- Internet
- Location:
- Terre Haute, Indiana
- Info:
- Elvis in the seventies… just walking down the street, it is nice to see for a change. This one is from July 9th 1975. Elvis arrives at Terre Haute, Indiana, probably going to his hotel. But he isn’t left alone for one second, surrounding him are his bodyguards and girlfriend. From left to right we recognize; Richard Davis, Joe Esposito, Red West, Elvis himself, Sonny West, Dave Hebler and Elvis his girlfriend Linda Thompson. One day earlier Elvis had just started his 15th tour, his third in 1975, in Oklahoma City. This evening he will perform at the Hulman Civic Center in front of a crowd of 10.244 people. The tour will end in Asheville, Carolina on the 24th of July.
al shookup wrote on
October 12, 2010
Gosh ..all those parasites living off him...no wonder has nearly broke at the end!
Mystery Rider wrote on
October 14, 2010
Broke No. he lived life the way he wanted too. yes the hangers on were always around, but who else could he be with. just think never being able to go to a movie, McDonalds, church or even wal-mart I dont think life was ment to be live that way but Elvis did it but it was his choice.
Tony C wrote on
October 16, 2010
Those "parasites" were Elvis' friends and relatives, whom he also gave employment to. Do you think that the biggest star in the world could have existed without a large number of staff? I have a job and take a salary from my employer, perhaps that make me a parasite.
mommiller61 wrote on
June 29, 2012
This is at the back of the hotel in TH. Love the station wagon they brought him to the hotel in.... wow does that show how many years ago this was. I attened that concert at the age of 14 and he was amazing! At that time people kept saying he was heavy but he looked great to me! I went back to where this picture was taken the other day just to see if it looked the same and it does. I took my daughter and she thought I had lost my mind... but I just had to see! Love it! Thanks for sharing this picutre~