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Pop Icons: Elvis

May 01, 2022 | Book

Decitre will issue the 200 page book 'Elvis Presley: Pop Icons' by author Daniel Ichbiah with illustrations by twenty comic strip authors. The book with ISBN 979-10-96794-05-8 will be issued in France on June 3, 2022.

Description: The story of Elvis Presley told through an illustrated biography by twenty comic book authors.

This is the first book in the new 'Pop Icons' collection, dedicated to the biographies of the greatest icons of world pop culture. This first volume is dedicated to the King of Rock 'n' Roll who takes center stage with the release of a new great Hollywood film dedicated to the story of his life.

For the first time, next to the texts, some of the best of European comics illustrators worked on a several themes related to the King's life:  his legendary footwork, the forbidden love with Priscilla, the movies, the triumphs, Las Vegas, and finally the fall of the myth. Elvis Presley like you've never seen him before, eternal, sovereign but so endearing.
