Warner Bros. will release the 'Elvis 7 - Film Collection' DVD collection in the USA on April 19, 2022. It features 'Jailhouse Rock' (with Commentary by Elvis in Hollywood author Steve Pond, Retrospective Featurette and Theatrcal Trailer), 'Viva Las Vegas' (with Commentary by Elvis in Hollywood author Steve Pond, Retrospective Featurette and Theatrcal Trailer), 'Girl Happy' (with Theatrical Trailer), 'Spinout' (with Picture Gallery), 'Elvis: That's The Way It Is (SE)' (with Featurette 'Patch It Up: The Restoration of 'Elvis; That's The Way It Is' and Theatrical trailer), 'Elvis On Tour' and 'This Is Elvis' (Theatrical Version).
Warner Bros Box
March 07, 2022 | Video
PageBoy wrote on
March 07, 2022
A monochrome classic from the 1950's, a decent 1960's musical, two frivolous ones from the same decade, two popular concert movies from the early 1970's - both of which serve as an Elvis impersonator's dream - and the heavily truncated theatrical version of the misconceived docudrama 'This Is Elvis'. This set is pretty good as an honest overview of Elvis's Hollywood career and jump-suited, countrified live performances.
Gorse2 wrote on
March 09, 2022
Given enough exposure this will not do the Elvis legacy any harm and may get a few new fans on board
Karl Gary Wilson wrote on
March 16, 2022
A tie in with the soon to be released biopic will hopefully help towards gaining a new generation of fans!
Walter wrote on
March 24, 2022
I wonder if Elvis On Tour will have the original Intro or it will have the Don't be Cruel intro