Two magazines arrived last week, time for an overview!
The Man And His Music
The 130th issue of EMM, or if you prefer TMAHM, brings rumours and questions. The rumours are tackled by Luther Moore and the questions are asked, but not really answered by Trevor Cajiao. I will never look to these album sleeves again! Arjan Deelen interviews Brenda Nielsen Murray, married once to the late Sherill. All regulars are present too, with as highlight the review of the FTD TTWII set by Gordon Minto.
Flaming Star
The new eye candy from Norway (#130) brings an articles on some of Elvis' 70s recordings, Jailhouse Rock and Elvis and Tom Jones. Further more the Cashbox series and record overviews (1963-1965) are continued. Piers Beagley's review of the TTWII set is translated into Norwegian (I prefer the English version ;-)).