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Elvis And More: The Spoils Of War

October 25, 2020 | Book

Elvis And More: The Spoils Of War is the autobiography of the world’s most well-known fan club president, Todd Slaughter, not through celebrity but because of his unforgettable name. His encounters with the rich and famous occurred – not that anyone wanted to meet him, but everyone wanted to talk about Elvis. 

His encounters with the rich and famous occurred - not that anyone wanted to meet him, but everyone wanted to talk about Elvis.Conceived on the battlefields of Flanders (coastal Belgium) during WWII, adopted into poverty by loving parents, and growing up in the cosmopolitan East Midlands city of Leicester, this is the story of one man's determination to promote and preserve the legacy of Elvis Presley.Todd's passion for Elvis is unquestionable. His achievements for Elvis, for the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club of Great Britain and its members are remarkable. His involvement with entertainment industry moguls is unbelievable.Despite bad luck, bad health and bad people, Todd has survived to tell a remarkable story.

You can order at Amazon, of buy directly from the Official EP Fanclub if you want a (limited) signed copy.

Source:Todd Slaughter

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JerryNodak wrote on October 26, 2020
Another book. No thanks. Not interested.
Brummie wrote on October 26, 2020
Jerry, if you are not interested, why even comment? Todd Slaughter contributed al lot in the Elvis world. I ordered my copy, looking forward reading it. And its only around 10 euro's including shipping.
JerryNodak wrote on October 26, 2020
Brummie: I'm well aware of Todd Slaughter's contributions to Elvis World, but I'm still not interested in the book. I stopped buying Elvis books a number of years ago. I might buy another if Ernst J. ever writes another.
joemin wrote on October 26, 2020
Todd is a legent. I normally don't buy books but I'll be getting this one. Ironic this should come out at time when we have just discussed the RPO albums, he was the guy who originally proposed them about 15 years ago. The fan club in England has been very loyal and has contributed enormously to Elvis success not just in the UK but around Europe.I became an Elvis fan back in 71 and the two giants among Elvis fans at the time were Todd and Tony Prince (Radio Luxembourg).