Last week 3 magazines arrived, here is an overview:
The 245th issue of the magazine by the Elvis Presley Gesellschaft has a lot of in memoriams, unfortunately: George Klein, Reggie Young, Jerry Chesnut and Harold Bradley get the tribute they deserve. There’s an interview with Randy Starr and a nice article on the November 1972 tour: Aloha from Oahu, with some great pictures. Of course all regulars, like reviews, are present too.
Flaming Star
The Norwegian eye candy has its 97th issue has an article on Jack Lord, the live singles from the early 80s in the Billboard charts, Stay Away Joe, August 1974 trip by Norwegians, Hound Dog and all regulars. Of course all articles are decorated with the best quality pictures you can imagine.
The Man And His Music
Number 123 of EMM/TMAHM was as usual good for a couple of hours reading pleasure. Southern Knights is a nice background article on Elvis and Jimmy Carter, Trevor reviewed and repaired the liner notes of ‘Singing for the King’ (Glen Campbell), wrote an article on the Eddie Fadal home recordings and on Duke Bardwell’s singing capabilities. Also EMM has attention for the Aloha Special (including November ’72 tour).