A good way to spend a cold, cold weekend is with... Elvis magazines. Luckily I got two of them this week!
Flaming Star
All the way from Norway (so used to the cold) is Flaming Star. The 93rd issure of this magazine by the Norwegian fanclub with the same name is partly dedicated - you probably guessed it already - Love Me Tender. That item has some great shots and memorabilia to offer. Part 2 of the Elvis on Billboard series (1961-1963) and the convention in Oslo get attention too, as does Easter eggs (in connection to Elvis). There's a kind of Day by Day from 1960-1967 (that goes to 1969), a quiz, and more. Of course it's all Norwegian, but the pics are good in any language!
Number 239 of Graceland, by the German fanclub EP Gesellschaft, looks back on 40 years history with their chairwoman. The December event guests (Norbert Putnam and Larry Geller) share their memories of Elvis.The main article is on Elvis' 60's gospel albums. The Straight Arrow advertisement contiunes and part 63 of the 'Songlexikon' fills the final few pages. As usual this content is brought in a very tasteful way and good quality!