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Elvis On Television

By ElvisNews.com/ Lex, July 23, 2016 | Book

Knowing the previous outings of Boxcar the expectations were extremely high after Elvis On Television 1956-1960 was announced. Does it live up to those expectations?


The format is familiar by now: a cardboard slipcase containing a book. The book is 400 pages this time and as usual the production is perfect.  The layout is beautifully worked out. The balance between text and pictures (photos, memorabilia) could not be better and the font size is easy on the eye.
The only minor is that very few pictures suffer a bit from a grainy look, because they were blown up a bit too much, but that is as said only the matter in few cases.


When Gordon Minto is doing the text I’m always happy. His straight, witty style is a feast to read. No matter if it is a review for The Man And His Music, an essay or a larger body of text, I’ve always enjoyed it. No difference this time, a part was even familiar because he re-used the material he wrote for the co-production with Ger Rijff on 60 Million TV Viewers Can’t Be Wrong. In the intro he explains why and it makes sense to me.

Next to the enjoyable words a huge part of the book is filled with photographs of an icon. I prefer this material way above the later years, not only musically, but also to look at. Many of the images where new to me and together with some of the iconic well-known ones it makes a true highlight in the many photo-books on Elvis. Most of the pictures are b/w, but there are some coloured onces too.

Some memorabilia like letters, magazine and newspaper clippings complete the book. Informative, interesting, but not too much… if you understand what I mean; it’s not getting in the way of the real content.


This is typically one of those books that attracks you over and over again. Just to thumb through it, read parts of it and enjoy the pictures. It is a true winner on my book shelf! Next to that it makes clear that the MRS release was a 2CD with an over the top booklet, this is a real book!

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You Dont Know Me wrote on July 25, 2016
Having viewed this book last Thursday and the great images i consider it a MUST HAVE+ a superbly written text too.Yes a big and heavy expensive book, but then QUALITY is WORTH IT!~