George Constantine Nichopoulos, also known as "Dr. Nick", was a former American doctor of Greek descent, most known (disreputable) for his relationship with Elvis, died yesterday in Nashville, TN at the age of 88.
Dr. Nick Dead
February 25, 2016 | PeopleGEORGE (GK) wrote on
February 25, 2016
wow... he's gone .. at 88. I wish Elvis had the same honor to live to 88.
Jim Davidson wrote on
February 25, 2016
If Dr. Nick had not been there, there would have been 20 more standing in line to take his place.
Gorse wrote on
February 27, 2016
You have it spot on Jim Davidson. Why the reasons and decisions Elvis reached about a multitude of things, none of us really know, but it is interesting how someone like Keith Richards has survived all these years against the odds, demonstrating the lottery of life.
Ton Bruins wrote on
February 28, 2016
Jim Davidson is perfectly right...if there wasn't a dr. Nick there would be another dr. Nick...Elvis liked his pills and dr. Nick liked the money from Elvis, a perfect duo !
You Dont Know Me wrote on
October 23, 2016
when you see how Dr Nick looked after Elvis during the July/August 1976 tour, then how Dr Ghanem did with Elvis at the end of August 1976 -you can understand that , actually he was not too badder guy-unlike others!