Just before Christmas this present from FTD was delivered.
We are all familiar with this concept now: 7" package, with booklet containing fitting background information, memorabilia and pictures.
The songs might not be as strong as in the fifties anymore, but his voice was better than ever in those early 60s. I said might, since the purists think so, but the bigger audience had obviously another opinion, since Elvis biggest hits ended up on this greatest hits collection. Add some new outtakes from the period, even if they don't really fit... and you have a winner. At least in my opinion. This is one of the better FTDs and will end up in my player many more times in the future! The music is good to great, the voice is great and the sound is great... what more can you want for Christmas? I know something and got that too :).
I really don't know what to write else about these discs, since we know them by heart. The outtakes are, as usual, very close to the masters. Most remarkable is probably the struggle for the right pace in Kiss Me Quick.
Winners do not need many words, so I shut up now.