Three magazines were dropped in our mailbox recently. Here is an overview.
Flaming Star
Eye-candy from Norway: once again many, many beautiful pictures printed on high quality paper, a real treat! Big articles are found on 1957's recording sessions, the Timex special, Wild In The Country (Tuesday Weld) and Red West. The San Francisco show in 1976 gets a lot of attention and of course all fanclub regulars are present too.
From Germany is EPG's Graceland. This issue (225) brings part two of their in depth article on That's The Way It Is, an huge overview of the European Elvis Festival and the July 1975 tour. And yes, this issue has the regulars too, like an in depth review of the Change Of Habit book.
The Man And His Music
The bible in Elvis magazine-world, the one from Great-Britain that is really essential... the EMM/ TMAHM 110. Starring this time a great editorial article entitled Why? ("It's as if someone has poured gravy on a peach melba"). Good to see there are still more sane people in this world! Luther Moores interesting series A Life Unfolding continues with the seventies (part 3). Another great read is the interview with arranger Glen Spreen, I am already looking forward to part two in the next issue! Another interview is with Bonya Rhodes McGarrity, who worked at Graceland from '61 to '63. And yes, this issue has the regulars too: news, the reviews, letters and rare photos.
Elvis The Man And His Music is indeed a fine magazine but sadly I won't be renewing my subscription this time, as the above mentioned article is extremely condescending and insulting to anyone who doesn't dislike the album If I Can Dream, As I fall into that category although having been a supporter of the magazine for a very long time I can't bring myself to be a paying customer of something that is going to insult me in this way, after all, it really is down to personal opinion and each to their own but to insult fellow fans because they don't share the same opinion just ain't right.
I did send an article in to their Shout It Out pages but as it mentions that I'm not renewing my subscription again I've been informed that it won't be printed. Ah well, Always Elvis.
Thanks Brian, Just in case anybody is interested the following is my letter to the magazine that you won't get a chance to read.
Sorry but I won’t be using my subscription renewal form that came with the latest “Elvis the Man and His Music” I class myself as a customer of your magazine and have enjoyed it for many years now as such feel extremely insulted by your article “Why” .
As you may have guessed I do not dislike the album If I Can Dream but wouldn’t think of insulting fellow fans by using terms such as “deluded divvies” just because they don’t share my opinion, and I certainly wouldn’t call them that if they were my customers.
Your article leaves me with the impression that you believe that anybody who likes this album is not a true Elvis fan; my own opinion is that nobody has the authority to judge another fan’s credentials even if they are an editor of a magazine.
I class myself as an Elvis fan from as far back as I can remember, at the age of nine I was engaged enough to record the 68 special from the TV on a cassette, listening to over and over till it broke and by the age of 18 decided not to buy a car with the little bit of money that I had but to buy a ticket from the Fan Club of Great Britain and fly to the States and watch Elvis perform what was to be his last two concerts ever, a choice that I’ll never regret.
I mentioned just a couple of things above but feel that I shouldn’t have to justify myself to you just because I like an Elvis product, and to be fair none of us really know what Elvis would have thought of this album ok you can guess but is your guess really any better than mine?
On your assumptions regarding putting people in categories, yes I do like this album but I’m not one of those fans (in inverted comers as you put it) “who’d buy anything with his name on as long as it’s bright, shiny and endorsed” .
I should have been happy to read critical analysis of new products but don’t wish to be called names and insulted in a magazine that I’m supporting.
I wish you well,