During the weekend I had the pleasure to spend my time with some new Elvis magazines. Here is an overview.
The Man And His Music
Last week #108 of this fabulous magazine was issued. A new series have started: "A life unfolding", giving an overview of what UK newspapers had to say about Elvis during his life. There's an interview with David Winters, choreographer at 4 movies. Gordon Minto looks back on the early CDs and as a closure Bill Bram searches (and finds) a filming location... Of course the regulars, like news and reviews are present also.
Flaming Star
From Norway came Flaming Star 82. Beautiful as always... it looks like there is room for the '57 recordings, an article about being Messias or Antichrist and one on the Portland '57 show. Even if you do not understand a word Norwegian, this magazine is still worth its money.
The German Elvis Presley Gesellschaft reserved a lot of room for the planes in their 222th issue. The series about Kay Wheeler is finished and there's some space for George Klein. Reviews complete this magazine.
OEPFC Magazine
The June/July 2015 issue of another UK magazine. It has some first hand memories of a trip to Vegas (and more). Anne E. Nixon fantasizes about being at recording sessions and the Elvis At The Movies series continues.