Marty Pasetta, who directed and produced Elvis' "Aloha from Hawaii," died Thursday, May 21, following a car accident. He was 82.
Pasetta was a veteran director of live TV specials. He directed 17 Academy Award shows from 1972 to 1988, as well as the inaugural galas for Presidents Carter and Reagan.
The 1973 "Aloha from Hawaii" special, broadcast live via satellite, was aired in more than 40 countries, and more than 1 billion viewers tuned in. It remains one of the most-watched TV programs in history.
RIP Marty. "Aloha From Hawaii" was the pinnacle of Elvis' career. He never looked better or sounded better (after he shook off some early nerves) and Mr. Pasetta captured the moment perfectly.
Deano1, well stated. His rich voice, charismatic appearance, his energetic radiance (fitting a man of his age and not comparing that to his fifties youth) and perfect showman/mastership was indeed one of his highlights. And history has proven that it appealed to the mass all the more, as quite a number of the fans today are basically in to this period (though I also know a lot that are into the fifties). Those who directed abd produced the NBC Special and the Aloha From Hawaii show(s) will always be remembered by the true Elvis fans.
My top of mind image of ELVIS is the eagle jump suit and flashing lights of the Aloha special. Elvis should have worked on more projects with people like Sam Philips, Chips Moman, Steve Binder and Marty Pasetta. Perhaps ELVIS would have been around to play at his 80th birthday concert.