While everybody was hunting eggs and chasing bunnies, I decided I could use my time better by summarizing the magazines we received recently. Here is that overview.
The OEPFC magazine
The April/ May issue of the official UK fanclub magazine brings part 2 of Anne Nixon's history overview of the fanclub, a piece on stuntman Gary Lockwood and branchleader Joan Williams memories of her meeting Elvis. There's also the start of a series on the John Lennon/ Elvis relation and more...
The King
From Finland came # 1/2015 of the fanclub magazine. We congratulate them with their 30th anniversary, that gets a lot of attention in this issue. It has an article on the two acetates done before July 1954, an analysis of Elvis' voice. The magazine also has an article on Elvis's stage rehearsals from 1969-1976, Elvis' cars and some Finnish articles from the 50s.
Club Elvis
From Spain is #90 of the fanclub magazine. Most space is reserved for the TCB Band's performance in Barcelona. There is also news, an article on Elvis in 1970 and reviews.
My Happiness
The French fanclub issued their 91st magazine. It has all the regular items like reviews, Elvis in France today and so on. The main articles are on the US-trip, Ginger Alden and "Dossier Leiber & Stoller".
The German Elvis Presley Gesellschaft has its 221st publication in Graceland. It is one of contrasts, a fair amount of pages are for Elvis' 80th birthday party and then we have a row of In Memoriams (Millie Kirkham, Chip Young and Joe Guercio). There's an exclusive interview with the man who brought the planes back to Memphis in 1984: KG Coker. All regulars like news and reviews are available too!
The Elvis Files Magazine
The strange duck in the bite because it's not a fanclub magazine is the 11th issue of the Elvis Files Magazine by Erik Lorentzen. Again almost 70 pages of eyecandy in the form of beautiful pictures. The pictures are decorated by some themed articles: co-stars Barbara Eden & Celeste Yarnell tell their stories, George Klein has some space and there's a big article on Andreas van Kuijk, better known as Col. Parker, among other articles.