Samsung used Follow That Dream in their new commercial "Movie Magic".
Follow That Samsung
February 24, 2015 | Otherdailyone wrote on
February 25, 2015
your kidding me I can't be bothered listening to the commercial no wonder they put the Elvis song in to make the ad look good , what a mish mash .Not good Samsung maybe they should have Sam the Sham to sing it .Def needs the Colonel .
Jerome the 5th wrote on
February 26, 2015
the Galaxy family... please make them go away (to another galaxy....)
Pietro S wrote on
February 26, 2015
The song? - Definetely my favourite, so: yay! The commercial? - boring, too long, so: boo! The idea? - it's good to promote Elvis, but this whole spot didn't get me interested -------- and one personal note: this is THE SONG that made me an Elvis fan in 1992, being 6 y.o. - a lot of great memories...
Natha wrote on
February 26, 2015
I agree with Pietro S. The commercial is quite long. So I think the 'background music' may not stand out as such. And that is a pity as it is a wonderful song by the King! Interesting though that they have chosenan Elvis song. It shows that the King is quite in vogue as this is not the only commercial. By the way, whether or not one likes Samsung is not the issue here.
AmyD wrote on
February 27, 2015
Coca Cola will also be using Elvis in their 'I Kissed Coke' campaigns celebrating 100 years of Coke. A B&W fifties image, with Elvis wearing a colourised red striped jacket, and holding a bottle of coke under the headline 'I Kissed Elvis'.
Natha wrote on
February 27, 2015
AmyD, thanks for the info on the Coca Cola commecial ahead. Elvis is the Real Thing!
Gorse wrote on
February 28, 2015
I think that these commercials have more chance of bringing on new Elvis fans than the endless plethora of re-releases, even if the ad is not entirely satisfactory.
Lefty wrote on
March 04, 2015
My favorite Elvis ad is where they show him on stage at the Aloha concert, and his bandmates are Keith Moon, Marvin Gaye, and some other greats. Imagine, Keith Moon on the drums for Elvis. That would have been wild!