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Two New JAT Books In 2015

January 02, 2015 | Book

JAT have announced two new books for March 2015. 

Definitive Vinyl Artwork

'The Definitive Vinyl Artwork of Elvis Presley 1956-1977' will be an Elvis keepsake forever. This will be the perfect companion piece to the elaborate "Elvis Sessions IV The Recorded Music of Elvis Aron Presley 1954-1977."  The "Vinyl Artwork" book will contain most of the original photography for the albums, singles and extended plays released in Elvis Presley's lifetime. Many of the photos will be the full gorgeous images as they were originally photographed with many never before seen in their entirety. Many of these photos are considered to be some of the greatest photography on Elvis Presley. 
Pictured with each image will be the original release it was used for. However, the book goes far beyond that, as it also covers the alternate artwork, letters and documents, some of the original artboards and layouts that were worked on, and details examining the photographer, date, and place where they were photographed. Lastly, it will also investigate the changes and corrections such as the use of reversed photographs and the use of photos that were altered on the original art. In essence, "The Definitive Vinyl Artwork of Elvis Presley 1956-1977" will not just be a photo journal, but rather a historical record on how this artwork  was created. The book surely will be a work of art featuring the greatest artist of all time. You can pre-order for US$195

JAT Fort Wayne

'From St. Paul To Fort Wayne' will be a photo journal covering Elvis' appearances in St. Paul, Minnesota in October, 1974 and his appearance in Fort Wayne, Indiana on October 25, 1976. There will be roughly 120 unpublished photos in this title.
Retail $79.95 Plus $35 postage

Source:Elvis Information Network
emjel wrote on January 02, 2015
Looks great but I think he needs to let us know the size and number of pages before he can expect people to buy into this. For the price quoted, I would want a minimum of 700 pages (Elvis files books with 450 pages on average come in at around $105), but this will be just another huge heavy book to weigh the shelves down and I'm not too sure how many more of these big tomes fans can realistically store and I suspect that quite a few of the images can be found elsewhere. Maybe 250 pages and a price tag of $79 would sell it to me.
emjel wrote on January 02, 2015
Re previous post, I am talking about the artwork book of course. $195 too much.
benny scott wrote on January 02, 2015
Agreed !Way, way, way too much indeed ! Always El.
I am Buffalo-Horn! wrote on January 03, 2015
Stupid price and if you order from Tunzi the postage will be equally ridiculous; even more so to the UK...
Rejane wrote on January 04, 2015
Just when I think they've written it all! Can't imagine I would turn loose of that much money for a book of album covers, a lot of which were not very good.
Rejane wrote on January 04, 2015
They should have coupled this one with one of the other movies that has a very short soundtrack that have yet to receive the FTD treatment. I would like to have just to complete my soundtrack albums (the booklets do have some nice info and art work most of the time).
marco31768 wrote on January 05, 2015
I'm waiting "Elvis sessions IV"...
Steve V wrote on January 06, 2015
Take out your records and look at them. Same thing, and its free. The book may offer more detail but at a ridiculous price! The main thing are the sleeves and album covers, and as I've said you can look at them for free. For shame.