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Such A Night

By ElvisNews.com/ Lex, December 24, 2014 | Other

A release I was really looking forward to, because of my love for vinyl. Was it worth the waiting?


As one could notice from the announcement, the cover is one of the coolest ever. Real 60’s vintage. The back is stylish too and the label is with a huge wink to the black label RCA-logo. The 10” format is a bit weird, but makes it fit in the Number Ones single box.


Beforehand I would have taken a slightly different selection of early 60’s songs, but I could certainly live with the “lesser” ones. Then came cold shower time… the record has mono-versions of the songs. While mono can sound great, it doesn’t in my ears when I am used to the stereo versions. It feels like the tunes are compressed. Also the balance is not that great, while Shoppin’ Around, Such a Night and Littles Sister sound pretty full, because the lows and highs are good, but e.g. I Want You With Me sounds very thin, because there are way too much highs there.


Although still a nice collection for the background, it is not what I hope for, too bad...


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circleG wrote on December 26, 2014
Who's releasing this? Come on Ernst, get on the vinyl revival. There's zero Elvis product in stores and people are asking for them. Start releasing the albums either on original single disc or with 2nd LP of outtakes. The FTD efforts are a bit cluttered. Organise the singles the way the Beatles have, their entire catalogue is available in shops and sound great.