Record producer, remixer and DJ Tommie Sunshine has screwed Elvis' gospel track "I've Got A Feelin' in My Body."
"Working with the original recording session of Elvis Presley is nothing short of a psychedelic experience," Sunshine said. "Hearing his vocals by themselves was a window into how incredible of a singer he truly was."
Sunshine worked with Denver, Colorado-based producer Wuki for the remix. Sunshine honored the song's original smooth STAX groove and added in a fresh electronic dance music sound.
Another Elvis Song Ruined
December 04, 2014 | MusicNONE000000 wrote on
December 04, 2014
I just checked this out on YouTube. It certainly is not an improvement on the original, but compared to some other remixes I've heard (Spankox), it isn't an outright travesty. At least the focus is still on Elvis' vocal. But generally, I guess I pretty much agree--not very good and not preferable to the original.
Troubleman wrote on
December 05, 2014
I do like some of the remixes like "ALLC", "Rubberneckin" and "Let me" from Spankox. I also like the reggae version of 'Riding the rainbow' on Youtube! TCB
Brian Quinn wrote on
December 05, 2014
Personally I prefer it to the original mix. More powerful with Elvis' voice upfront.
NONE000000 wrote on
December 05, 2014
Yeah, I don't hate it, and I love the whole idea of doing remixes, if and when they are done well. This one was just nothing special to me.
Emiel Maier wrote on
December 05, 2014
I like this remix a lot. I have compared it with the original and it sounds like this has a faster pace. (But does Elvis delivers his phrases faster..? I do not know. Perhaps the mixers used their tricks!). The original will always be around, so this will not replace it. In my opinion SONY has decided not to mix the hits of Elvis (apart from the Viva Elvis album: but those mixes where used for the Vegas Show and initially not intended for release). So after ALLC and Rubberneckin' and the Heineken Bossa Nova Baby, they now come up with I Got A Feeling In My Body and Shake That Tambourine (by Alle Farben). I think it is wise to make people more aware of Elvis's back catalogue by teasing them with a funky remix. The youngster will dig this!
NONE000000 wrote on
December 05, 2014
Has anyone here heard the mix of "Let Yourself Go" by Anarchemist on YouTube? It's pretty cool and the Elvis pictures on the video are "remixed" too
Steve V wrote on
December 06, 2014
Since ALLC was such a worldwide hit, why arent any of these remixes being given the same kind of exposure? Surely, some must be as good. I guess the music industry has changed that much since 2002 ?
NONE000000 wrote on
December 06, 2014
I think Little Less Conversation worked so well because it had some sports tie-in at the time, and the lyrics also worked well within that world cup or basketball or whatever sport context---wanting "a little more action". I think they tried to push Rubberneckin' but it didn't work. I love the Bossa Nova Baby remix from the otherwise lame Viva Elvis album, and there are a lot of pretty fun remixes floating around on YouTube. But I think ALLC was the right song at the right time. I still think if a good remix gets used in a hit movie, we'd end up with another big hit song. Let Yourself Go is still the song I think has the most promise, but I know there are thousands of choices.
Gorse wrote on
December 07, 2014
Yes you are exactly correct on ALLC KingKreole. There are remixes on a par if not better than this but they need a worldwide push. I guess it would have to be something on a par with the Super Bowl exposure but realistically a film bio of Elvis where the song was added as a special insert of how it could have been if he had lived on. Pie in the sky perhaps and what we expect rarely happens in the way we predict.
Emiel Maier wrote on
December 07, 2014
Good to see that this discussion is going somewhere. I agree that the success of ALLC was two ways. First the remix was fab, and second Nike gave full exposure during the world cup 2002 and gained lots of media attention because of the 'big names' in their - very expensive - commercial. That is why I had high hopes for the Bossa Nova Baby viva-mix. The song - with loads of Brazilian flavour - would have done great during the World Cup in Brazil 2014. It was unfortunately released days after the closing of the tournament. (The Dutch Heineken division decided to make a special campaign around the Dutch squad). So BNB did climb high enough in the charts. It was in August 2014 only bubbling under in the iTunes charts. So Elvis/SONY cannot make a charting on their own. They need the help of other artists (of today). Comparing the IGAFIMB-mix to the STT (shake that tambourine) mix, my favourite is the first one. The track is more creative and the producer could work with a great and passionate STAX-track, whereas STT is a very light weight song. I have not heard the complete track of the latter one but what I have heard is that they have 'only' added a pronounced drum beat and some funky bop-doo-wop female choir. What is from these two the favourite of you?
elviskid80 wrote on
December 08, 2014
Completly Ruined Stop Messing With Elvis' Music Please Your Just Making It Worse. Elvis Originals Are The Best .Leave The King's Music Be.
benny scott wrote on
December 08, 2014
It's understandable that some of the younger generation fans dig remixes, so enjoy ! It's really not my cup of tea though. I'll stick to the originals and, imho, nothing can surpass them. Always El.
Jerry79 wrote on
December 08, 2014
Nothing special as someboday already said but also not very bad. I listened to "let Yourself Go" but sorry I did not like it at all. Big E will not sing any new songs so Sony is trying to make some $$$ on remixes and duets and I think we have to accept it.
Natha wrote on
December 08, 2014
I listened to several remixes and I must say I did not enjoy how they cut the Masters Voice in pieces at times. This cutting up sentences and paraphrases sounds horrible to me. I understand that the addition of some instruments and/or chorus may enhance the appeal to young listeners. Elvis' later version of 'Little Sister' live with J Burton could have been a better version than the original one (had he nog fooled around too much and also had he not added the dreadful hey jude with it) But to my ears that is not the case. About LLC. Well it got some exposure (Nike among others). So many people know this remix (maybe not even realising it is a remix). It is okay, yet maybe I am getting too old for this 'modernization'. So if people / fans like it, it's fine with me. Luckily for me I can listen to the originals.
NONE000000 wrote on
December 08, 2014
Full disclosure: I did the Let Yourself Go "remix". Anarchemist is an old email address of mine from years ago. I really don;t know what I am doing and shouldn't even call it a remix, but I like how it turned out.
I don't consider myself much of a "younger" Elvis fan anymore, but I can totally appreciate when someone does a good or great remix (mine is not, I know that). I have a hard time figuring out why some people are against it. No one will ever make the originals go away or disappear. The original Little Less Conversation is still there, on the Live a Little, Love a Little soundtrack. And I also don't think it is about money--most of those remixes on YouTube were just done because people love Elvis and like to imagine what Elvis might be like if he were alive and in his early 20s today. I know some of them are awful, and some people do things in very very bad taste, but I think most are truly done out of love and the simple (futile) attempt to create more "new" Elvis in a world where, in reality, there will never be "new" Elvis anything. I play around in Photoshop all the time creating "new" images of Elvis, for example. I started doing it simply because I needed something--anything--to keep me sharp on Photoshop skills and techniques. But now I have a folder full of, in some cases, really cool "new" Elvis pictures--just for my own amusement. (Though on Facebook there are now a lot of Elvis pages that do nothing but create new Elvis art--none of it is for money or to tarnish the "real" Elvis' image. I should mention, I do have a web address where I am allegedly selling prints of the pictures used in the "Let Yourself Go" video, but most of them are not actually for sale, nor have I ever sold a single one--which is fine.) Anyway, I just really don't understand the "don't mess with Elvis' music" mentality. (I Also Don't Understand Starting Every Word With A Capital Letter.....). I don't want to sound hypocritical since I was one of the harshest critics of those awful Christmas Duets a few years ago---I hated those and thought the one redeeming thing on the album was "The First Noel" with new backing music. I simply feel the duets thing is a waste of time and will never yield a hit or anything musically worthy. It takes nothing away from the originals, it's just that posthumous duets are corny and hokey to me personally. That said, I'd love to hear someone mash up one of the rawer takes of Little Sister with a similarly raw early take of the Beatles' Get Back. Afterall, Elvis himself found the rhythms of those 2 songs compatible. Basically, I am for anything done well and in good taste regarding Elvis. I can understand being a purist, but nothing will ever taint Elvis' original catalog--the Sun sessions are still there, the 60s and 70s, all of it--new remixes, artwork, even impersonators...uh, I mean Tribute Artists, are all just expressions of love for the guy (unless it really is a blatant cash-grab, which is more likely to come from Sony or FTD or a major company or bootlegger)
Gorse wrote on
December 08, 2014
I was not over enamoured with Let Yourself Go but I admit it might appeal to a younger audience. I don't need a song to be 2 minutes longer than the original but just a bit more depth and modernisation in the musical backing and as long as Elvis's voice still remains the most important instrument. I really enjoyed the Too Much Monkey Business Remix album e.g. Long Black Limousine and how they were presented and the treatment of C'mon Everybody by Star ( Born To Rock).
Natha wrote on
December 09, 2014
I stand correced. It was the (equally horrible) Get Back addition.
KingKreole, I can understand that a lot of the remixes are done out of love for Elvis and his music. And that is fine with me. We all have our sentiments. Interesting to read how you work with Photoshop. These are all personal reflecions one wants to share with others out there in the Elvis world. I appreciate that charitable thought, as some just want to make money by producing 'Elvis art'. It is all a matter of taste.
Gorse, I also like the Monkey Business remix album. Possibly it is because it sticks a lot to the original, just adding a little more beat to it.
As Benny always states: to each his own.
benny scott wrote on
December 09, 2014
King Creole : respect ! Honest and clear explanation ! Enjoy your hobby ! As Natha says, we all have our pesronal view, and as long as we respect each other's it's OK. Gorse : senseful posting(s) as always.
Always El.