Rolling Stone magazine's first release of 2015 will be a 7" single That's All Right for Elvis 80th birthday.
Rolling Single
November 22, 2014 | Music
Steve V wrote on
November 22, 2014
Do you just cut & paste the same comment for every topic? How about some thoughtful text once in a while?
Gorse wrote on
November 23, 2014
Yes Steve, I notice we have one or 2 characters on this forum like that. I hope the rumour that we will have something exceptional in 2015 comes to fruition from the powers that be, but at least this is a promising start from another source..
NONE000000 wrote on
November 24, 2014
Steve V -- I give your comment the same amount of stars that are in the heavens +10 more! (Honestly, I could not AGREE with you more. Every song that is "song of the day" is also rated the same way by this guy. I wonder what it is like to carry on a conversation in person with them: "Nice day, huh?" "I give it the same amount of stars that are in the heavens!" "...yeah...I guess so, looks like rain though." "I give rain the same amount of stars that are in the heavens!" "right. I see. So I had a colonoscopy today and have cancer." "I give cancer and colonoscopies the same amount of stars that are in the heavens!" .....maybe he's a robot.
Steve V wrote on
November 25, 2014
KingKreole - best laugh I've had all day, Thanks!! You gotta wonder about some of the Elvis fandom at times.
wildfishie wrote on
November 25, 2014
This guy belongs in the list where Jerome is. The list of people we should ignore because they're nothing but a waste of time. Unfortunately we don't have a "report moron" link on this site. Or maybe something customized like "never show posts from this person" when we're logged in.
Bestoftherest8301 wrote on
November 25, 2014
I know a phrase that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.....etc etc
benny scott wrote on
November 25, 2014
This 45rpm will have a small centerhole and that's rather unusual for a 45rpm. Just writing this to stay on topic ! Real reason for this posting : our friend edwards835. According to his profile he claims to be 79 years old. Two possibllities : this is not true and he is trying to be funny, or , with all due respect, something in the upperroom is not 100% OK anymore. Always El.
Steve V wrote on
November 25, 2014
Benny I have a feeling he is a former member who got revoked. I forget his name but whenever there was a song of the day, he said 'I give it a zillion stars' or something like that. I'm sure you can find it in some songs of the day. Anyway this member sent me the most vile ,disgusting personal message once (which included a physical threat) because I slammed a song. He was kicked off the sight soon after. Of course I have no proof, but the style sure is similar and he is quite a recent member. Anyway, back on track, Elvis 80 at least is getting off to a nice start. I wont buy it but some will enjoy this item.
Natha wrote on
November 25, 2014
For those readers of RS it may be quite an uplifting present! At least they do something for the King.
emjel wrote on
November 26, 2014
I'm surprised that with all this star counting that is going on, the OP has time to listen to or read anything at all.
Viva wrote on
December 03, 2014
Yes, that's nice. A pity that this one single appears to be about the best that's on offer to celebrate Elvis's 80th.