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Vacation Is Over

September 25, 2014 | Other

As you may have noticed we had a well deserved short break. We took a laptop with us and the idea was to do updates from our holiday address, but the internet connection was so bad it turned out to be no option. Here is an overview of what you might have missed the last two weeks.

On September 10 Richard Kiel passed away, most will know him as Jaws from James Bond. There's also an Elvis-connection. He played in Roustabout.


That's The Way It Is (vinyl)
Young Man With The Big Beat
Elvis' Christmas Album (Camden version, vinyl)
His Hand In Mine (vinyl)
Songs For Christmas (CD + vinyl)
2nd To None (vinyl)

There were also some bootlegs, but they were all announced already.

Natha wrote on September 25, 2014
Trust you had a nice vacation. Well deserved.Quite commendable that you took a laptop with you, but you should also have a break. When we are out 'nobody' notices. When you are not around we know (smile). Fans are watching you too . . .
marty wrote on September 25, 2014
Welcome back!
benny scott wrote on September 25, 2014
Yep ! Always El.
Chop983 wrote on September 26, 2014
Glad your back, that was the longest 2 weeks ever.
GEORGE (GK) wrote on September 27, 2014
So glad elvisnews.com is back. I miss the updates. Its a wonderful Website.
Gorse wrote on September 27, 2014
Very true Natha , when we are away a devoted few miss us, but you guys - well it's something else.
circleG wrote on September 29, 2014
welcome back , hope you had a nice break , we missed you
samcra wrote on October 02, 2014
I've been on vacation, so, it was a nice surprise on my return, to see you're back.