Recently FTD released the vinyl version of the Stay Away, Joe.
There goes nothing above having a real vinyl album in your hands, well almost nothing. This one is no exception. The information at the inside is more or less the same as in the CD-booklet, with some of the pictures too.
We all know the content by heart by now… from the ridiculous Dominique to the strong U.S. Male. Especially the latter is the main reason to write this short review. I don’t know the reason, but this must have been one of the best recorded Elvis-sessions, I guess. The sound is really phenomenal. It sounds like never before.
Only the sound of U.S. Male is worth of it! The other stuff is bonus.
I stopped buying vinyl records ages ago although they do look great, and arguably sound better than CDs. Which is one reason why I am all for the 7" format FTD use for their classic album releases, as they look like miniature vinyl albums with the playing convenience of CDs.
I stopped buying the vinyl when FTD stopped using the heavy cardboard sleeves with the great artwork. At about $60.00
apiece (USD) I could no longer justify the cost minus the artwork.
The FTD vinyl catalog may someday outnumber Elvis' original vinyl catalog, and I find that a bit sacreligious.
There's no real reason for it. It contains one of the worst Elvis songs ever (he loathed is so much he asked that it never be released), it only has seven different songs and it is not worth $44, but for some strange reason I want it. I have always had a soft spot for the movie and for LP's that could have been released, but weren't (Viva Las Vegas, Lost Album, Tickle Me, Jailhouse Rock and Standing Room Only). This one probably would never have been an actual LP (not enough songs and not enough material in reserve in '68 to add to the remaining six songs) or an EP (due to that format no longer being marketable and the release of the two strongest songs on a 45), but I will still probably buy it. I did not buy the CD version of this one so it won't be duplicate material for me. There is still something special about brand new vinyl, especially Elvis vinyl.
Great record. I have played it several times already and the sound quality is amazing:-) I just love that heavy weight vinyl
I received my copy for my birthday and I have to agree with Smile:-). It is a very impressive package with two heavy weight vinyl records. The sound is excellent and six of the seven of the songs (even "Dominique" has some merit and sounds better here than in any previous release) are among Elvis' best vocal performance ("Stay Away" and "U.S. Male" are my favs, but AINWTR and TMMB and GH are top-notch too). The songs just sound like they belong on vinyl.
Suprise that they FTD made this on vinyl , glad they did. BUt the song STAY AWAY ! is one of my favorit. you can really hear that Elvis Enjoy singin this song, STAY AWAY!" beautiful and good tempo song. hope for more vinyl release from the TOP FTD company, never let us DOWN!!
At last, a vinyl release with the ooriginal songs included. Why weren't the other releases treated the same way?
Many of them have been missed opportunities. FTD should have released them all with two discs - one with original albums or tracks and one with outtakes.