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100 Things Elvis Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die

March 31, 2014 | Book

A new book by Gillian Gaar entitled 100 Thgings Elvis Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die will be issued on April 1st, this is what the publisher, Triumph Books, says about it:

With 2014 marking the 60th anniversary of the release of Elvis Presley’s first record, “That’s All Right,” this book makes the perfect companion for celebrating the life and music of one of the world’s most popular entertainers. Packed with history, trivia, lists, little-known facts, and must-do adventures, legions of Elvis fans around the globe who still adore him more than three decades after his death will delight in this ode to “The King.” Ranked from one to 100, the songs, albums, movies, places, personalities, and events that are the most important to know in Elvis lore unfold on the pages, offering hours of entertainment for both casual and serious fans.

Source:Elvis Information Network

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little jimmy tompkin wrote on April 10, 2014
I may be wrong but this sounds like a quick buck load of sh*te !
Lou A wrote on April 16, 2014
I saw this book at Barnes and Nobles a couple of weeks ago, but at the time decided not to buy it . I did buy it this weekend ,and and it's a fun , interesting look at what the author considers some of the high points of Elvis career. A lot of it is material we've already read about on many occasions but here we have Gillian Gaar 's opinions which frequently can be thought provoking . Gaar had previously written one of my favorite Elvis books about the early comeback years - that's why I gave it a shot. Noyhing eart shaking here , but a fun pleasant read. . I wasn't planning on commenting on this book even though I bought it , but after reading another post , I thought I'd give the opinion of someone who actually read the book. I sometimes wonder why people on the internet feel the need to get so nasty.