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Gravelroad Contest

September 20, 2013 | Music

With all the cutbacks last years Gravelroad Music wants to do something for the fans. They like to do a contest and throw in very hard to get releases including the bonus items…


Since the beginning, Gravelroad Music has always offered historic Elvis Presley CDs.

Many today are already collectables, highly sought-after releases with exclusive bonus items, which sometimes sell for crazy prices on the Internet.

Because of this we have decided to give away the few copies we still have of these in our archives, in connection with our most exciting CD release to date, “LEANER & MEANER THAN EVER”... a new look at the 28 January 1971 midnight show. This time we get Elvis is at his meanest and leanest…

What are we giving away?

First prize is a special Gravelroad package of 11 concerts, including the rare bonus items!

Second prize includes a 5 concert package.

Third prize will receive a 3 concert package.

Fourth and fifth prizewinners each get a 1 concert package.

So, finally, you have a chance to pick up these hard-to-find, long sold out CDs after all!

Winning one of these Special packages is easy. With every copy of the new “LEANER & MEANER THAN EVER” you have the chance to find one of the contest prize flyers.

This release is limited to 500 copies, and only 5 will contain the contest prize flyer. On it will be an email address. Reply to that email address with the unique code provided and Gravelroad will send you the Special package for free!

First person we get email from will receive the first prize of 11 concerts:

A Day In Dayton (2 concerts)

Good To Be Back (with Concert Folio)

Hilton's All Shook Up

Only Believe

Sitting on Top of the World (with Guitar Pick)

Snowbird Revisited

Star Spangled Spectacular (2 concerts)

The Summer Festival Continues At Full Blast

The Return of a Prodigy (with Envelope holding 2 promo photos inside)

We are aware that for some fans it might take more time to get hold of their copy of our new CD “Leaner & Meaner than ever”. That’s why we set the last day of entry is 20th of October.

The package will be sent within 1 week after all 5 winners are made public.

So, don't think that you are too late if you find it; You are already a winner!

Matthias Kuenzer wrote on September 20, 2013
I'd like to participate, but I'm not naive enough.
You Dont Know Me wrote on September 20, 2013
Geez must be desperate to sell their latest release, well i mean re-release! i am not buying
VivaLasDavies wrote on September 20, 2013
I fail to see a downside here. I've already ordered this and if I'm a "winner" that's a bonus.
Natha wrote on September 21, 2013
I always thought that the few copies were always sold out within a week or so. Obviously not! Anyway this is a good thing. I like the idea. Why doesn't FTD do that? Just give away five cds of free choice in every batch. It might be an extra incentive to buy even the ones I would not buy! I've never won anything significant in my life, so I guess I have to ask my wife to order this one. IF I win I will have a number double, so I can share the with others.
mature_elvis_fan75 wrote on September 21, 2013
fTD should do this,and the winner gets all the releases they have made erros on,so yes it would be alot of cd's to give away. The winner would get the corrected version,so it would be unique.since ftd doesnt admit to mistakes or learn from them.
theoldscudder wrote on September 21, 2013
Gotta hand it to them , they make excellent covers.
mature_elvis_fan75 wrote on September 21, 2013
Yes they do,im guessing some dealers will just open these and reseal them lol.
GEORGE (GK) wrote on September 22, 2013
Amazing album covers, for sure. Hire these people to work for RCA Records !
mature_elvis_fan75 wrote on September 22, 2013
Nah,ftd and sony are happy with what they have,its about the money and as long as there making plenty of it they are not going to change a thing.
Jerome wrote on September 23, 2013
Touching... Probably can't sleep for days now...
al shookup wrote on September 23, 2013
I live in the UK and can't find it on sale anywhere. any guidance please.
benny scott wrote on September 23, 2013
all shook up, I live in Belgium, my dealer is Belgian too, is honest, sells at reasonable prices and no need to buy via Ebay! If you're interested give me a sign, I'd be glad to help. Always El.
Ciscoking wrote on October 01, 2013
nice idea...why not..for all those who dont have the original a must-have in any case..anyway..