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Million Dollar Quartet - New Book

June 24, 2013 | Book

The Million Dollar Quartet is the name given to recordings made on December 4, 1956 in the Sun Record Studio in Memphis, Tennessee. The recordings were of an impromptu jam session between Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash.
To be published in August, "The Million Dollar Quartet: Jerry Lee, Carl, Elvis & Johnny" by Stephen Miller details the early lives and careers of the quartet to where they were in 1956. Relevant social and economic factors which meant that a massive audience of young people were keenly looking for a new kind of music they could call their own.

Also covered are the "reunions" of surviving members of the quartet, the emergence of the tapes - first on bootleg and then legitimate CDs - and the genesis of the stage show and its reception. This music has enduring appeal. The author Stephen Miller has had a lifelong interest in popular music in general and country music in particular and has already published biographies of Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton and Kris Kristofferson.

ISBN-13: 9781780385143. Publisher: Omnibus Press. 272 pages, Publication date: August 1, 2013.

Source:Elvis Information Network

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Jerome wrote on June 25, 2013
Probably just a Google copy and paste job...
alanfalk wrote on June 25, 2013
I just hope that this book will put a stop to the silly history that is told both in the movie Great balls of fire and in the Broadway play, that Elvis should be intimidaded by/or jaoulose of Jerry Lee ! As a matter of fact, I think it was the other way around, because every time I have seen Jerry being interviewed , he lookes kind of vierd when Elvis' name comes up.
Natha wrote on June 26, 2013
Of course JLL was intimidated by Elvis and not the other way around. He was a good rocker but not in Elvis' league. His jealousy only stains his furthermore excellent repertoire. My number 2.