Economical crisis or not, I will buy this book. No problem I will be eating beans for the rest of this year...
Beans are good for your brains, Jerome! Just kiddin'.
I had no plans of buying this book, but looking at the video got me interested . Looks like a lot of material collected on Aloha all in one place, including previouly unreleased photos. Howeverwhen I checked the price - about $175.00 , I decided to pass. Just too expensive . Looks like a quality release though.
Looks great. Always exciting promotions, from "Boxcar". I wish the major Film-Video-Record-company would promote Elvis, like this ! Aloha !
$175? Your being ripped off. I really hate it every time Boxcar does a release some dealers take advantage by shooting up prices. Well from Chris Giles its around 65 pounds which i guess is around US$100 so mine is booked. But $175, sounds like your looking in the wrong place mate.
I have loved all early Tunzi books...but lately too much money asked for material that I already have in my-our collection,,,,
its too put out a new this...simply by opening a well & good database stored in your/yours PC
Tunzi some years ago..promised a new recording I know this is a question of more hard works..e lesser money in return..but I am sure that Elvis collectors & fans would be appreciating this more.. than another
wow... looks good but again a little pricey for me. May have to join Jerome on beans for the next six months if i want it.
incidentally, why couldn't the dvd have had an intro or menu like that?
Looks good? According to my pal Tonto it's a heap big lot of stuff we've had a heap load of times before for a heap lot of cash. The smoke signal he's sent out tells members of the Elvis tribe to save their dough.
I think I'll the watch Special Edition DVD and keep my money in my pocket.
Just think. If you pass up say 8 or 9 of these overpriced type of books, you will have enough money to plunk down on an original SUN record, something really worth having.
It looks nice and I love the "Aloha" show, but I have tons of photos from the show and a slightly different photo is not that enticing (or a picture of a contract). Why can't a book like this be sold for fair price of say $40? I like some of the Tunzi books and when I find one for a bargain price I buy it, but $175 or even $100 is just absolute greed at its finest.
Who are we to say, what is really worth having? This "Aloha" book, looks to be, of great quality, and would be a nice addition, to, a Fan's collection. However, I agree that, the book, is very expensive, and I wonder if the book, were to be commericially released, through a major book publishing company, if the selling price, would be, a bit, cheaper? Selling the book for lets say $40.oo (in american money) is a reasonable price, and it would sell more in volumes. Sadly, In this world, of bad economy, people, think twice, in spending $175.-- on a book, even if its the greatest entertainer, in the world.
Too many commas, George !!
Steve, a english language major? Shouldn't we stay on topic?
Looks like GK's had a touch of the PEPs.
Did I see $175.00? Way overpriced. Why would any grown man want to pay $175.00 to look at pictures of another man? I do see the point on the Sun records. You get a piece of history. They are the basis, the foundation of what made the legend. The book pales in comparison.
the over priced figure is NOT at all correct for must who will be buying this set. shop around. i think around 80 pounds is a price i trust given by Australia E.I.N. Elvis site.
Wither your buying, a historical "Sun Record" or a book that documents a historical concert event, both are fine, and If your a Fan, you want them both ! PEPS? Whats that all about, Freddy? And, Old Scudder, Fans, are fans, and if you like the artist, you will buy the book and its not about "Why would any grown man want to pay $175.00 to look at pictures of another man?" as you wrote. I was totally floored by that bizzare comment.
Its 175.00 if you order from the JAT website (hey but it includes shipping). Even buying at 100.00 somewhere else, its an insane price for book. I remember getting the Ken Sharp book on the 69 Vegas comeback, a book I love, for 50.00 and that is when I drew the line. I even think 50.00 is more than enough to spend on a book. It has gotten insane. But the producers of these things know there is a certain part of the fan base that will buy it no matter what price. Even without seeing this book, I know it wont be worth the price. Cannot think of the last Tunzi involved project that was worth the price. Like I said, I would rather save up and have a 'real' collectible.
I would rather spend my money on books than on an old Sun record that I would not dare play very often, but again we hear from the "it is not cool police" that it is way better to own a piece of history ( why that ? because it makes you special to own something rare ? ) than it is to have something that you can learn from and look in as often as you like. I don't say that one is better than the other, but I think that it is up to each person to decide what they find worth to spend their money on, and I don't buy in to the argument that a Sun single is an investment ( if I was to invest in something I would buy gold or something like that ). As I see it the only person who knows if the money is well spend is the person who buys something and have gotten it, used it and felt how much/little joy it gave. I now have bought 3 of the Elvis files and plan on getting them all, that tells me that I did right in buying them, and if that put me in that terrible group of people who will buy anything and someone has a problem with that, well then they should go talk to someone who cares because I don't !!
Dgirl, I'm with you on this issue. Just as I wrote a month ago for me it is enough. I leave these books for those who really want to buy them. I rather spend the money on his music now-a-days. While driving the car I can enjoy the cds, while the books are at home. Most of them, like Steve V wrote a montha ago, are sort of collecting dust. All my cds are rather clean as most of them as getting a spin every now and then.
Yet again, for those who like them: go for it.
alanfalk, I totally agree with your comments. And me personally, I would buy the book, so I could go back and look at it, from time to time. The "Sun" Record would just sit and collect dust, because I would never play the collectable record, and honestly I'm not looking to make an investment on a Elvis recording. I already have the "Sun Recordings" on CDs, and I enjoy the music, and thats fine, with me. And, I agree, on D'Girls comment about the price of the book. These books, as wonderful as they are, are overpriced ! The publisher would move more product, if the prices were more reasonable.
Bottom line, books are overpriced and have been for several years now. I remember the fabulous Ger Rijff books from years back being very enjoyable, and without breaking the bank. I didn't mind buying those. About the SUNs, I have the 5 of them , they are framed and hanging on a wall. Besides being historic musical items, they evoke great conversations from visitors to my house. I could never say that about any book. Just my opinion on the matter. I feel like I have passed a plateau about buying Elvis items such as this. Maybe I have grown up a bit as theoldscudder has alluded to. Wait, he was talking about men! Whatever, the Col's spirit is alive and well in all of these sellers.
The Ken Sharp 69' Vegas book had 200 pages and cost 50$ that is 25 cents a page, The Elvis Files volume 1 has 594 pages and cost 100$ that is about 17 cents for each page, the other volumes had about 500 pages so that was about 20 cents a page, why are they overpriced when the Sharp book wasn't ? That doesn't mean that I don't think that they are expensive, but to call the people who buy them childish (or not grown up), or uncritical buyers, that is the real childish act in my opinion .
We disagree that's all. Yes I feel I have matured a bit over the years on collecting Elvis. I used to buy everything, and I would have saved to buy this book and all the Elvis Files books in the past but not anymore. Just like concert CDs. I played them once and put them away so I stopped buying them. With books, I may have looked at them several times, but when it comes down to it, they are not essential to me anymore. I didn't break down the cost page by page (OMG) but a price of 50.00 was my limit. I just redirect my collecting elsewhere that's all. I am proud to see the 5 Suns when I enter my room. I have pride in them. I didn't not buy them for an investment but for what they represented. That's basically my philosophy now.
I feel we need to distinguish between a fan and a collector as these two things don't necessarily go hand in hand. I honestly feel that a person can be a big fan of Elvis and own nothing but his music. They don't have to be original singles and LP's, collector reissues or FTD CDs (they may just have his music downloaded on their computer or IPOD). They don't have to own books, trading cards, ceramic plates, magazines or even heaven forbid make a yearly pilgrimage to Graceland. It is all about the music he left us with, the rest of it can be nice, but it is not essential.
I feel we need to distinguish between a fan and a collector as these two things don't necessarily go hand in hand. I honestly feel that a person can be a big fan of Elvis and own nothing but his music. They don't have to be original singles and LP's, collector reissues or FTD CDs (they may just have his music downloaded on their computer or IPOD). They don't have to own books, trading cards, ceramic plates, magazines or even heaven forbid make a yearly pilgrimage to Graceland. It is all about the music he left us with, the rest of it can be nice, but it is not essential.
Actually you said it was an insane price for a book and they were overpriced, and then I pointed out that the Elvis files were cheaper page by page (how else would you compare two books that are of equal quality ?), so I was just pointing out the inconsistency in your view (OMG). You very often complain over prices, Elvis and other fans way of being fans, and that is what I'm reacting against; if someone likes most of what Elvis did, then these fans are uncritical or fanatics who will defend Elvis at any cost, and if someone will spend their money on expensive books, then they are fans who will buy anything at any price, and if Elvis was worn out because of a crazy touring schedule, then he was lazy, and because the jumpsuits have gotten to be the IMPs favorite outfit, then Elvis was at fault for wearing them ! Maybe it is like Deano1 is saying, there are different ways of being a fan and only the fan knows if his/hers way is right for him/her, it doesn't have to be a question about maturity or good/bad taste.
Come on guys let us not get too analytical. The bottom line is we all like a great singer and entertainer, with an incredble voice versatility and a charisma that puts other artists to shame. So when in the mood, sit back put on your favorite Elvis DVD, album, or playlist, and read whatever you wish, be it non Elvis or Elvis and let it wash right over you.
No doubt, at times, we the fans, are going to disagree, but regardless of this, I hope, in the future, we can try, and be a bit more respectful and fair with the comments. When, theoldscudder writes:"Why would any grown man want to pay $175.00 to look at pictures of another man?" I am appalled by that comment, and shake my head, in amazement. Bottom line, if its not your thing to look at photos of Elvis, (which I find odd, if your a Elvis fan) then don't buy the book, and don't question why other fans, may want to buy the book with photos.
I wont buy this because I thought Aloha was kind of a boring ,going through the motions show compared to the 1972 shows and the first real glimpse to me that Elvis had a substance abuse problem were those 2 awful press conferences, so no, the whole thing is not for me. However I am not appalled by the oldscudders comment although he was too blunt. After 36 years people are still shelling out big money for basically the same product. It is amazing. No matter what the hype, most of these photos you probably will be familiar with. How much is enough? You have the deluxe DVDs, the CDs, etc. A book is now essential? The manufacturer would have you believe that it is. The world (the non Elvis fans) would mostly agree with the oldscudders comment. My sports buddies certainly would. 175.00? Maybe if it was Marilyn Monroe ...
Aloha From Hawaii was a fantastic show but I would rather have seen something like the following song line up: 1. That's all right mama 2. Mystery train/tiger man 3. Burning love 4. The wonder of you 5. You don't have to say you love me 6. Steamroller blues 7. Fever 8. One night 9. A big hunk of love 10. What now my love 11. I can't stop loving you 12. Patch it up 13. Kentucky rain 14. Band introductions 15. Johnny B Goode 16. Heartbreak hotel 17. Are you lonesome tonight? 18. Little sister 19. Big boss man 20. Suspicious minds 21. An american trilogy 22. My baby left me 23. Lawdy miss clawdy 24. Can't help falling in love
George I'm with you 100%, why shall some people always look down at what other fans like or buy. No one is forced to buy and there is always at least one review you can read before you buy a product. The philosopher Augustine, who also was a young christian who lived a life with lots of women prayed to God, "Please God make me chaste, but not right now !" And an old Danish saying goes, "when the devil gets old (then) he will become a monk", this is exactly how I feel about a lot of comment (especially from the older fans) on this site, now that they had their fun buying lots and lots of records, concerts and books, which they must have enjoyed while they bought them ( else they have been quite stupid to spend their money on stuff they didn't like !), they have gotten tired of buying it, and it seems like they are projecting that feeling backwards and have convinced themselves that it was a dreadful time and waste of money ! I can easily live with that, but please don't use your regrets to try to convince me (and very often in a very patronizing way) that my money is bad spend , I can easily decide for myself what I use my money at. And by the way when have a Sun record been essential ?? In my opinion people often buy rare thing so they can brag about it (not always but often), but most people buy a book because they look through it and enjoy it.
I enjoyed the Aloha Show, every second of it! It's indeed a pity that sometimes (a recurring thing) one looks down on the other. It is a pity. We all have our own right to feel what we feel and should not be maltreated by others. To disagree is one thing but to be called names directly or indirectly is foolish. I am a fan for over 40 years and I never get tired of it. Unlike Dgirl I like my collection more over the years, I do appreciate his music more than say 30 plus years ago! And I did grow up - No, it is because I grew up. Also on the man himself. As I developed more understanding about the mind in particular and life in general my view on ELVIS as a person has matured (for the better), not being stuck in the ambiguity like most people do. Luckily I grew up.
Back to the topic: My only objection to this book is the price. And the fact that another book about Aloha is also being made. These days it is hard just to earn a decent living. Hence the prices are too high for me - and also that even then there will almost for sure be another astounding set of pictures available next month and that will warrant another book. Just like the Elvis Files + magazine. Sigh.
By the way, I enjoy looking at the photos I have of Elvis and there is nothing wrong with me! And I don't give a penny for a blunt remark as this has nothing to contribute to my happiness.
Friends, there´s one reason we all are here on ElvisNews: Elvis Presley. The man and his music, his image and the memories of him mean so much to so many people. And these people are different from another. So are tastes, opinions and preferences. I can only speak for myself: Music in all its many styles is a central part of my life and so is Elvis (and he will be there till the day I die...). CDs, original SUN singles, books or whatever: As long as it´s good for you, enjoy!
I wouldn't even try to fault someone for wanting this book. I bet that if it were handed to me, I would look through it page by page with interest. Elvis is important to me, so a book about one of his main events will hold my interest, no matter what. That being said, I would rather watch Aloha on DVD or listen to it on CD any day over looking at pictures of the concert in a book. That's me, and not everybody else. So to all of you that want the book, I hope that you are able to buy it and that you enjoy it. Don't allow the mean people on this website to dampen your enthusiasm. You have a right to buy this book or any other book, as your heart desires. I pity those that feel their manhood is threatened by looking at Elvis. I mean, so what? If a guy is attracted to Elvis, that is his right. Live and let live. Whether any of us have seen him in concert, watched him on a concert DVD, or watched any of his movies, we are all 'looking' at Elvis.
Steve V, your comment: "The world (the non Elvis fans) would mostly agree with the oldscudders comment" I disagree with, because, If you like an artist, you will collect their work, including photos, and such, regardless if its a man or a woman.
Let me explain my comment so you will understand where I am coming from. It was taken from my perspective, I am a collector of Elvis records & cd's & see him as a historical figure in music. I just don't get the appeal that some people have, at looking at Elvis's image in pictures. The reason I said men was that I understand the physical attraction Elvis had on women so I get why they would enjoy his image. I was just hoping that I would get an answer why male fans take interest in his image & that was the only purpose for the comment, not to condemn. Only seeking information nothing more.
oldscudder, your original statement, was pretty clear. It wasn't a well thought statement. Regardless, we move on.
Elvis was not only a great singer but also very much a great performer and entertainer. You have to watch him to experience that. It is not about sexual interest... LOL!!!
Someone mentioned this book should be selling for about $100.00. If I could get it for that price postpaid , I'd probably order it. Problem is in the shipping, for what I'm guessing will be a really heavy book . Even if I could find an English or European dealer selling at $100, I'm sure the postage would be at least $50.00 or more. So US fans may as well purchase from Tunzi at $175.00, which is more than I would spend for this book. It's the same reason I reluctantly passed on the Bootleg Elvis book. The only large and expensive to ship books I 've been buying lately are the Elvis Files , and the FTD books.
Understand the frustration of fans living in less populated areas as the shipping costs are significant indeed. In The Netherlands it is no problem to pick up a book like this in your local Elvis shop for about $100 indeed. One has unfortunately to take into account the US politics of QE programs as well that will continue increasing prices in US dollar, and will continue eroding the purchase power of the middle class, while prices will not increase (much) in Euro given the austerity programs and higher level of budget discipline in Europe.
In-a-flash,you're right ! I mentioned it in a previous posting months ago : here in Europe we are spoiled, in Belgium I could purchase the book for 67,50 euro, that's +/- $88. Always El.
I had to purchase my copy through Tunzi because I never could get ahold of Chris at the ElvisCorner shop - no matter HOW hard I tried, I never got a response. I don't understand the delay, though? Why advertise an April release date, have fans order the book, then tell them it's been delayed until June? That's the only thing that angers me... I love the AFH show - always have and always will. It wasn't your normal concert because it was a benefit concert and the reason we didn't hear Elvis do a lot of stuff from "Elvis On Tour" was because the movie had just finished its run in the theatres so Parker/RCA didn't want another album with basically the same songs on it as the MSG album or the "Elvis On Tour" movie, from what I understand and have read. I'll be thrilled when I see this book in the mailbox!! June, 2013 - BRING IT ON!!!