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GRM Releases

March 28, 2013 | Music

The two new Gravel Road Music releases, You Know It Don't Have To Be Strictly Country 2 and Snowbird Revisited are out and sold out already. Good news for those who missed the first "Strictly Country": GRM is willing to run a reprint if they get enough request through the dealers.

Ciscoking wrote on March 28, 2013
Got both today. As always fantastic layout with booklets. Snowbird is presented as a fold out digipak with great colored photos of Elvis wearing the Fringe Suit. The sound is definitely clearer and crisper on this new release....the Snowbird session is a nice bonus..all in all a great package.. Striclty Country Vol. 2..well ..I don`t know what is new on takes and not..I just like the music..and there`s a lot of it on it..Elvis at his best..and the booklet gives loads of infos.
Ciscoking wrote on March 29, 2013
The info about what has been released before is inside the booklet of Strictly...overlooked it in the first joy
Natha wrote on March 29, 2013
I have ordered Snowbird, yet not yet received it. CiscoKing's remarks make me all the more eager! Thanks for the additional enthousiastic comments, CK!
Matthias Kuenzer wrote on March 30, 2013
Is there something on the CD that hasn't been published before, officially or inofficially?
Ciscoking wrote on March 31, 2013
According to the cover..yes..a few tracks..
KINGE wrote on March 31, 2013
Vol 1 was very poor (sound)......this one looks no better. Snowbird looks more promising