EPE is excited to announce the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents’ annual holiday CD will include three songs this year. This highly collectible CD will include Elvis’ version of “Silent Night,” “Blue Christmas” and “Santa Claus is Back in Town.” These CDs were recently put in the mail and should be arriving soon.
2012 Christmas Fan Club Presidents CD
December 04, 2012 | Music
2012wiseman wrote on
December 03, 2012
Here's what Santa and EPE Inc. should bring : EPE Inc. Graceland should buy up (re-acquire the original tapes of
Elvis' Christmas 1957 sessions (from those crooks or egoïsts who only want those for their listening pleasure...).
And then, they should send out those to EPFCpresidents or better still, make them available thru FTD for all fans to buy those outtakes.... !!! Same should happen with those "lost" tapes from his missing movie sessions...and from the songs recorded in 57 for his second RCA album !
Tony C wrote on
December 03, 2012
Here we go again, the demand for the release of tapes that probably do not exist, most likely having been destroyed in the 1959 tape purge. As for EPE buying up tapes, from whom and why? EPE are not a record company. Sony, who are a record company, have been searching for these tapes for many years without success.
Steve V wrote on
December 05, 2012
Tony C - Our marketing friend with the many aliases MUST know something we dont about these missing or 'lost' tapes. We have been hearing about them under his/her many names for years now. 2012wm - Please prove to us they exist or shut up once and for all about them.