Here are some more new DVD covers, which will be released in August.
New DVD Covers
June 29, 2012 | Video
hankfnsw wrote on
June 29, 2012
They are great covers but it's time for blu-ray updates please! Especially being the anniversary year! Plus what happen to the promised multi-angle Aloha dvd? We were promised that but got the dvds only but no multi-angle feature.
JenniferScarum wrote on
July 01, 2012
Very 2012--I love these; modern ! Contemporary stuff. Good work. But : when can EPE have an Elvis On Tour 72 Special extra-length movie remake made ? Also In Blu-Ray please.
Tony C wrote on
July 01, 2012
The answer to the previous question is probably never. For the millionth and (probably not) the last time, EPE do not own "Elvis On Tour". They do not have the commercial rights or the actual footage which would be needed for such a release.