Here is a preview of the upcoming FTD book From Memphis To Hollywood.
Preview From Memphis To Hollywood
June 18, 2012 | BookTroubleman wrote on
June 21, 2012
Jerome – I think the lack of enthusiasm is probably due to the fact that FTD are now ‘flooding’ the market with too many books at the same time. I remember when an FTD Book-CD combo release was an event. It was special, and was made for a specific event (or theme): Flashback, Live in LA, Writing for the King, The way it was. These were great books (in my opinion) with Fashion for a King the best one.
Then they released the book that in my opinion they shouldn’t have: King creole. That should have been a Classic series release (just like all the other movie soundtrack albums). They made it a CD-book combo even though they barely had enough material (outtakes) to fill a CD. Now, we have the 2 ‘Frame by frame’ books, the 56 book (with no CDs), the Welcome home Elvis (with CD) and now another one on the way: ‘From Memphis to Hollywood’. Selling at close to $100 each, that’s a lot of book in a short period of time. I’ve now stopped buying them, and will only buy one if it has a special theme (On tour, Live at MSG, 1975 July tour). These would make good 2 CD-Book combos. TCB