Scott Williams the VP of Marketing and Media for Elvis Presley Enterprises visited the Public Relations Society of America-Memphis chapter to talk about the PR strategies at EPE.
It runs a long 37 minutes however he does talk about some interesting thoughts:
- "The Elvis Brand"
- What EPE puts financial investment in (ie Nissan commercial)
- Modern Family TV show.
- Fan studies and marketing
- Social Networking
- The EPE website & facebook
This was actually very good. Until the very end, when he brought out the Mr. Potato Head kinda took the wind out of the sails. If you watch it though, I think you will like what you hear. Except that damn Mr. Potato Head at the end, why!?
Marco, right. That's what I meant. If they (EPE and others) really study the fans and their true needs than the business plan would have a different focus. Trinkets have always been part of it (and not just around ELVIS), but these should show more intelligence.
Simple, distance yourself from tribute acts which do more harm than anything, stop releasing trashy gifts and focus on what made Elvis the greatest entertainer the world has ever seen, his music.
It's STRICTLY the MUSIC stupid.... plain and simple. The rest of the crap you idiots try and pass off as pertaining to Elvis is all greed to grease your coffers only.
Clearly - they do studies because they are promoting something that they don't understand. I'm told when SW first came to EPE he couldn't even remember the date Elvis died. But, don't misinterpret that - SW is a bright, likable guy. It's the company's direction that continues to make the simple complicated.
Cruiser, you are right. Yet, other things have always been a part of the show. Unfortunately. I would not care if it would be a tiny part, however, EPE is basically interested in exploitation and less or not at all in the Legacy. Andy is right about the tribute acts. It gives a completely wrong representation of Elvis, Hence we have often the feeling they are more damaging than uplifting the image of Elvis.
All true, but EPE has zip to do with Elvis' music, which I'm sure all of you know. The music is Sony and FTD - which do a great job thanks to Ernst and Co.
Paul Sweeney, JC is quite right. Yes, EPE has no rights but on the other hand what most of us dislike are certain choices. They try to accommodate fans, but not by issuing licences like the potato head and othe dubious stuff. Maybe they should set up an ELVIS PRESLEY International Airport for all the fans. Now that would be something. Talking about business.
The staff at EPE is very nice. My sister-in-law and her husband were married in the film, That's The Way It Is. When I took them to Graceland, the EPE staff came over from the offices across the street to shower them with gifts and treat them like royalty. They were very impressed, and I was too. There's stuff about EPE we'd all like to change, I'm sure. But as far as the staff goes, they're top notch.