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June Tour 1973

April 05, 2011 | Book

The book June Tour 1973 is out now.

Jerome wrote on April 07, 2011
please review the preface by Sandy Spinach..
Tony C wrote on April 07, 2011
I think you will find that her name is Sandy Pichon. Some fans appear to have a problem with other fans who managed to see Elvis in concert, in some cases many times, or met him. I think it is just jealousy. I always enjoy their stories, they get me closer to what the experience of seeing Elvis must have been like.
kenny wrote on May 04, 2011
The ide of making this book was good, but the finished product was not good, why didnt they track down some original photos? they must have used copy of copy of copy.... You find pictures in this book that you can find in better quality on the net, who looked at the raw copy of this book and said : go ahed and print it.... thats the person who gave this poor quality out..... Another good ide down the drain.