On eBay Elvis' original "Long" Aloha cape that was never worn in concert is once again for sale on EBay. The asking price is $250,000 and is noted as being "with provenance from Graceland Archives". Bidding closes January 10th. Described as ...
In terms of authentic iconic Elvis items, it does not get much better than this! This is THE ORIGINAL cape which was made for Elvis to wear for the legendary "Aloha from Hawaii" Concert in January, 1973. This cape was designed by Elvis' designer Bill Belew so that when Elvis came on stage, he could be "hidden" behind the long cape. The idea was that Elvis would appear on stage for this world-first event, behind the cape and at the end of the Aloha Intro, he would drop the cape and turn to face the audience, revealing himself to the waiting crowd.
When Bill Belew arrive in Hawaii with this magnificent 5 foot long cape, Elvis tried it on and almost tumbled over backward as he tried to walk. It was decided that for the concert itself, a shorter version of this design should be used. Bill Belew then had only 24 hours to make a new cape. This cape was then sent back to Graceland and remained there, in its archives until the charity auction held in 1999. This cape represents not only the single most significant live performance ever by Elvis, but also the ultimate in authenticity and provenance. I purchased this cape from the successful bidder at the Graceland Archives auction, so in effect, I am only its 3rd owner ever! You could be it's 4th!
As most people know, this cape and it's design are significant (not only because of it's place in history) but also because the design of the eagle and the colours were to represent Elvis' passion and patriotism for his own country.
Aloha Cape For Sale
January 01, 2011 | Other
Mofoca22 wrote on
January 02, 2011
i wish their was pictures of elvis with this cape that would totally rock to have seen him use this. i bet bill belew was ticked when he seen elvis toss the cape into the audience when he had to make it within 24 hours lol
hillbillycatlover wrote on
January 03, 2011
This cape "was never worn in concert" as the article says... The shorter cape that he threw into the audience was eventually returned by Hawaii Five-0's Jack Lord's wife.
Jerome wrote on
January 03, 2011
wow, I would love to perform in this and do my tribute by performing Old Shep!..
Brian Quinn wrote on
January 03, 2011
As has been pointed out the long cape was never used for the 'Aloha From Hawaii' Special. The short cape that was used and thrown into the audience was caught by Bruce Spinks (Sports writer - now deceased) who later sold it to a fan Andrew M Kern who on his death in 1995 willed it back to EPE where it is now on display. The belt that was thrown into the audience has never been located. The original 'Aloha' belt that was presented to Jack Lord was eventually given to Jack Lord's cousin by Marie Lord (wife) as she wished it to remain in the family.
benny scott wrote on
January 03, 2011
"....to remain in the family" the expert wrote ! Thanks for the info Brian, and hats off to your knowledge ! Always El.
marty wrote on
January 04, 2011
Thanks Brian for the info! It covers everything related to the Aloha cape!