In Holland Viva Elvis entered the album Top 100 on number 13.
Viva Elvis Charts
November 14, 2010 | Music
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jean michel wrote on
November 14, 2010
VE has just entered the UK albums chart at # 19 ; what a hit ! way to go sony !
Jay wrote on
November 14, 2010
Disappointing but still a top 20 album I guess. Deserved to be number 1 mind. A top 10 (elvis 75) and top 20 (viva) in 2010 ain't bad for a man who hasn't recorded for 34 years!
Tony C wrote on
November 14, 2010
I think getting into the top twenty is a pretty good achievement, especially when you consider that all of the other nineteen are still current recording artists. I never really care too much about chart placings, sales figures, etc, they are for the accountants. We are constantly reminded that Garth Brooks has sold more records than Elvis, which may or may not be true. My test would be to stop people on any street on any city in this world and ask people to name an Elvis song. Once they have given you their answer, ask them to name a Garth Brooks song. Perhaps that question was a little more difficult than the first!
Natha wrote on
November 15, 2010
I really wonder whether the sales numbers are correct. Moreover there is a quality check too. Like buying or downloading is a vast difference. People download almost everything now-a-days and the costs are minimal. Besides that there is the time difference. Just compare the sales of any good let's say 30 years ago and now. There are many more people and especially the youngsters have more money. So figures don't say much. Indeed for a man who is dead for more than three decades it is a wonderful achievement and shows the enormous impact he had. I wonder of this Brooks will be remembered like that !
Emiel Maier wrote on
November 15, 2010
I would love to hear from other countries (Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia, Southern-Europe) if and when VE charts.
I do think that chart placings do matter, because a record company decides on basis of record sales whether they carry on with an artist and whether they are willing to invest in future products. I mean should VE (and next years Duet-album) sell dramatically, it might have consequences for the FTD collector's label. So a high chart placing justifies a label like FTD as it gives an indication to SONY how big Elvis's fanbase is. I am confident that part of the revenues will flow back to us fans.
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 15, 2010
'Viva Elvis' The Album sold a disappointing 14,088 copies in the UK last week.
old shep wrote on
November 15, 2010
Good news for a really good album. It's early days yet and HMV have given it some good exposure in their outlets so this should gain sales.
jean michel wrote on
November 15, 2010
sony UK seems to have waited till Elvis' 75th Bday to turn their back on the King ; first , little promo for E75 , then nothing for "Elvis sings the great British songbook" & now : messy promo for VE . The flop of VE was so foreseeable (see my previous posts on the matter from months ago till last week) that I am not surprised at all about the chart placings we are begening to receive from around the world. As for the G Brooks matter ; if it is true that he is still ahead of Elvis as best selling solo artist in the US (that's only for the albums though) it also true that we are talking about certified only sales & that Grath , as good as he might be , has 90 % of his market & the US whereas Elvis is global. The regret is that VE will not fill up the -little- gap between Him & Garth .
Rubberneckin wrote on
November 15, 2010
went to my local record shop to buy it on saturday - they didn't have any left! Unfortunately they'd only ordered a few copies!!Getting it on Tuesday from them - Drat.... I Forgot about the new HMV 'round the corner. To be honest it doesn't bothetr me either way whether the album does good or not - A week doesn't go by without some reference being made to Elvis Ptresley be it in everyday conversaton or on tv or in a movie. People will never forget about him altogether, especially not me - I'm having all my albums taped oncassette and buried withme and a walkman in my coffin....!!! Who is this BROOKS guy...? Shows just how great Elvis is for them to measure other people's success by his.
GEORGE (GK) wrote on
November 15, 2010
I hope it charts well in the states. Waiting on the first week sales to come in.
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 15, 2010
Strictly Come Dancing. Saturday, 20th November 18:30 on BBC One (UK). Synopsis: Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly present a special Vegas spectacular in Blackpool, with the eight remaining celebrities going all-out to illuminate the dancefloor. The couples will be putting in towering performances, hoping to gain high judges' scores and viewer votes. Voting lines open at the end of the show, and another celebrity will leave before the weekend is over. It is believed that a troup from 'Viva Elvis' will appear on this show and perform 'Blue Suede Shoes' (remix) from the new album. Should help increase sales of the album in the UK.
Steve B. wrote on
November 15, 2010
With 40% completed, "Viva Elvis" is at number 39, with 7,900 units sold, on the US chart. I would say that has to be a disappointment.
Jay wrote on
November 15, 2010
It don't seem to take a lot of sales to chart in such a big country like the US?
Steve B. wrote on
November 15, 2010
With 40% completed Susan Boyle has sold 165,000 units and is number one.
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 15, 2010
Interestingly the chart results in the U.S.A. so far have 'Now That's What I Call Music 36' at No.3 and the 'Viva Elvis' version of 'Suspicious Minds' is one of the tracks. Sony have done this so Elvis can be exposed to a younger demographic.
Elvisforevertheking wrote on
November 16, 2010
How did you find this information? I looked on Billboard and I dont see it any where in the top 200. Thanks for any help.
Natha wrote on
November 16, 2010
Maybe Elvis Fans won't run for that new CD in the fist weeks (like youngsters do). It will be interesting to see the final sales though.
Steve B. wrote on
November 16, 2010
"Viva Elvis" ended up at number 46 with 12,600 units sold on the US chart. Certainly not a good number for its first week.
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 16, 2010
Well, the first week sales of 'Viva Elvis' The Album are in for the U.S.A. and they are much worse than expected. It sold 12,622 copies and will enter The Billboard Chart give or take one or two places at No.46. I find this result extremely disappointing. There must be a genuine reason why this release has not done as well as expected and I do not accept that some Elvis fans do not like it as the main reason. I suspect people did not know of it's release and that SONY have failed Elvis with marketing the album. Even the 2008 'Christmas Duets' fared better. Extremely frustrating when one looks at the forthcoming Michael Jackson Album due out on 14th December which has already got an advance in the U.S.A. alone of 800,000.
dgirl wrote on
November 16, 2010
The Sunday NY Times always has ads for upcoming CD releases each week in its Art section. Especially for major artists. The last 2 weeks not a blurb about this release but I saw huge ads for Bruce, Boyle, Rhianna, etc. How is anyone supposed to know about this? In the USA, its been as quiet as a mouse. Someone said this may be a flop. I think we can now all agree with that statement. The label doesnt care about Elvis anymore. He no longer is in the public mind like he was. Even in the 75th year, I dont hear quite the buzz we would have even 10 yrs ago. Radio airplay is almost non-existent. Lets accept this and enjoy what we have.
Steve B. wrote on
November 16, 2010
Brian, Why would Sony NOT want this "escape" to do well? They have money invested in its production, etc. If Sony thought heavy promotion would help, I bet they would do that. After all, they are in the business to make money. One thing people need to understand is that Elvis orginal fan base are 60 plus years of age and older. Many are either pushing daisies or don't rush out and buy "new" Elvis music. They have owned the music for decades, and aren't consumers anymore.
Tigerman68 wrote on
November 16, 2010
I agree that the charting is very dissappointing. Did you expect better considering the promotions for previous releases? Aside from ALLC, they consistantly drop the ball. Not that all of the releases have been worthy. They finally have a decent chance with Viva Elvis with new remixes that are mostly good, especially Suspicious Minds, and I fear that they have already given up on it. I live in Vegas and I have yet to see ANY ads announcing its release either in print or on TV. Susan Boyles new cd is advertised on every channel. I don't know what it will take for them to see a gem when it's in front of them. I'm sure that Michael Jackson's release will get huge press!
emjel wrote on
November 16, 2010
I was not even aware it was out - just came across a copy in Morrisons. Have not seen any mention in national press etc. Sony are probably saving their advertising budget for the MJ release.
Steve V wrote on
November 16, 2010
I would officially call it a flop now. For the past 2 days all I have been hearing about is the new MJ album due next month (very positive) and The Beatles catalog now available on itunes. That's been the big music news. Viva Elvis? Not a word. Consider this and that half the Elvis fans are down on any kind of remixes and will never buy it and you have a flop.
Jesse Garon Presley wrote on
November 17, 2010
To call the cd a flop is not a right thing to say the promotion itself is a flop Dgirl what you r stating there is not entirely true if elvis would be out of everyones mind he would not recieve the awards he got this year there would be no musical about his life he would not be in commercials a lot and mentioned in films so much and about radio airplay i hear him a lot on my radio, that the cd does not sell well is not because of elvis and that people are not interested in him anymore it's the promotion that failed.
Emiel Maier wrote on
November 17, 2010
People, let us not jump to conclusion after the first week of sales. I am sure that it will climb places especially in the European Charts. My personal view is that a lot of Americans categorize Elvis's music as old people's music. To quote Steve B. "One thing people need to understand is that Elvis orginal fan base are 60 plus years of age and older". This may be the case in the U.S. but you have to know that Elvis has a different position over here in Europe. Here he is perceived as a creating artist who still is acknowledged as the person who changed the course of popular music. That is the reason why he still has a relatively large following of youngsters. I am from Holland but my personal view is that the British fans are the best and most faithfull. The strategy of SONY might be to concentrate on Europe. (The use of the new remix of Blue Suede Shoes in Strictly Come Dancing this coming Saterday is a very good move!).
Jay wrote on
November 17, 2010
Elvisnfans are certainly all not 60+. I'm a British 25 year old who rushed out to get viva in the morning of release. I blame Sony completely for the chart placing disappointments. The album is awesome!
jean michel wrote on
November 17, 2010
it seems that most of you are finally begining to open your eyes to sony's betrayal ; i predicted it more than 2 months ago ,inspite of sony's promises & high expectations conveyed by Brian, when there were signs of the contary.VE is just a pretext for sony to get rid of him as an active catalog artit (of course , they are going to blame the lack of sales on the "demographic" bla bla bla...& certainly not on their lame "promotion").They want dead bambi to be the spear head of their catalog. We'll have to be happy with the great FTDs & our yearly Xmas compilation. Instead of ridiculising the King ; sony should give up their rights to a smaller record company proud to have Him in its catalog ; it is not the case anymore with sony.
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 17, 2010
There is a lot of sense being made in the comments already posted. I feel it is more than a coincidence that the sudden drop in Elvis' album sales appeared around the time of the death of Michael Jackson. I am of the opinion that it is he who Sony will be concentrating on during the next couple of years as they have to recoup the massive 250 million dollar spend on his future catalogue releases. Jean Michel's comments make sense and I have long wished that Elvis would be bought out by a smaller progressive record company who could only do better than the current regime. Steve B's comments regarding the ageing of the Elvis fan base are also valid. Somebody needs to start TCB for Elvis as at present the current management at CKX are floundering. What is needed is a dynamic 'go getter' to push Elvis Worldwide and not just concentrating on the U.S.A. Products like 'Elvis In Concert' are sell-outs around the world and I am at a loss as to why 'Viva Elvis' the show is not yet touring foreign countries. The album would certainly sell well then. I believe the forthcoming Michael Jackson Cirque Show is about to do this and avoid Vegas altogether (not his people). Where have all the entrepreneurs gone? Elvis' Legacy needs them.
Sirbalkan wrote on
November 17, 2010
Dear Brian. Isn't there any one at EPE to tell the things that you had done here? I mean EPE is having attention on elvis recordings but not on sony. Let's make a huge campaign and let sony remember that in this past 10 years elvis had made them gain money alot. What should we do? I really looking for TCB about Elvis. I am 29 and I KNOW that there are still millions of young elvis fans around the world thats why he's still selling.
Jim Semple wrote on
November 17, 2010
We just have to face the facts, no matter how brilliant Elvis was, how much we all love him still etc etc, to the overwhelming majority of the public, his work is no longer relevant. Talk to your friends, work colleagues etc and you would struggle to get anybody under the age of 35 saying they listen to his music, never mind buy it. It's sad but thats the way it is.
Jesse Garon Presley wrote on
November 17, 2010
Jim Semple that's not really the way it is the overwhelming positive reviews of this cd proves you r very wrong Elvis still sells and receive's awards ( just recently) still 33 years after he passed away because if this cd doesn't sell like was expected doesn't mean that Elvis isn't interesting anymore you cannot say his work isn't relevant anymore that's way and way out proportion and it makes no sense at all.
Tony C wrote on
November 17, 2010
Spot on, Jim, that is my experience with people as well. Even people over fifty don't seem that interested, they have a hits compilation and they are happy with that. They do not want to delve deeper. The "Elvis The Concert" shows do sell out, but these are in venues that hold thousands of people, not the hundreds of thousands of copies people expect the "Viva Elvis" will sell.
Elvisforevertheking wrote on
November 17, 2010
I am a 32 year old ELVIS FAN! I know he is not as relevant today as years ago, but he still has a huge fan base. I think if you ask anyone, did you know Elvis has a new cd out, they would say oh really. No advertisement at all. Sony probably thinks they don't need to advertise Elvis will always make their money back off of him. If you think about though 12,000 units is not bad considering the #1 spot only has 300,000.
Jesse Garon Presley wrote on
November 18, 2010
i agree with you Elvisforevertheking and in Holland the cd is not doing all that bad either
Elvisforevertheking wrote on
November 18, 2010
I was really hoping that all the Elvis fans would give Elvis a great 75th year with a number 1 album. I guess it's still early.
dgirl wrote on
November 18, 2010
Next year may be the # 1 album. I think the Duets album will be much bigger than Viva Elvis. Reason? The other artists that are on it will be plugging it as well as related Elvis sites. It will get attention in the press, they will liken it to the Sinatra duets album & such. If the correct artists are selected and the correct songs, this can be a huge event in 2011. But if its a bunch of female country singers, then forget it.
Deano1 wrote on
November 18, 2010
A #46 position on the Billboard chart would not be that bad and it definitely would not be considered a flop. The 1981 LP "Guitar Man" peaked at around that number using a similar concept of taking Elvis' existing vocals and adding new instrumentation and backing vocals. Elvis' LP's since his death were never really big sellers until the #1 hits collection earlier in the decade. Look at the "Our Memories Of Elvis" series from '79, The 2 record soundtrack "This Is Elvis from 1980, The #1 Hits collection and Top 10 Collection from '87 and even the 50's masters set in the 90's. None of them even touched the top 50 and most of them didn't hit the top 100. True some have sold well since then; but they weren't exactly top sellers upon release.
I listened to the snippets of some of the songs on the "Viva" CD on the website to promote the CD. I did not like what I heard. "Can't Help Falling In Love" is completely ruined with a female vocalist shadowing and then dueting with Elvis. The integrity of his greatest hits should not be compromised in this way. If they want to re-do songs, stick to the lesser known ones like LLC and "Rubberneckin". I am not going to spend money on something I will never listen to just to give Elvis another #1 (I think he hasn't had to think or worry about chart positions and sales for 33 years). I do agree with dgirl, the duets LP next year will be a much bigger hit and I might consider purchasing it depending on who is dueting with Elvis and what songs they choose. I agree, don't just pick a bunch of female country singers unless you are just marketing Elvis to the country audience and wanting another mid-chart performance.
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 18, 2010
Next year's 'Duets' Album will NOT just be with female country singers. There will be male, female, groups, and instrumentalists from all genres of music if all goes to plan. Some big names are definately being lined up from yesteryear and today. It is hoped that the lesser known tracks will, wherever possible, be used. By the way, I still think 'Viva Elvis' is a fantastic release and I have played it more than any other Elvis album that I can think of in recent years.
bajo wrote on
November 18, 2010
I did the first run with my kids! No reaction! I'm in for the 3rd run and I'm beginning to get the details and even getting impressed! The person/people behind this has really been listening to Elvis. It's so modern, so heavy and technically impressing. At the first run I felt Elvis was left out over the technicallities. Not so now: Here are so many beautiful Elvis details you already have and know. But, it's the way they have been edited in that impresses me! This is something very special! I got the 2CD version with the original tracks on the 2nd disc. The "tracks" Memories and You'll Never Walk Alone are only instrumental intros on the first disc.
But, the piano intro of YNWA that leads into Suspicious Minds is a wonder to me. Is it Elvis' own piano playing not heard on the original? Puzzle to me! Somebody come forward! If you are a real fan you're gonna get this! All the Elvis details from live shows, studio banters and overall editing and mixes are gonne make you have a saturday night with Elvis! Play it loud and support yourselves with whatever gets you going!
Emiel Maier wrote on
November 18, 2010
Bajo, I am glad you liked the album. About your question regarding to You'll Never Walk Alone, I had the same feelings as you just expressed. So I am glad you brought it up. I strongly believe that it is indeed Elvis playing the piano. To my ears it sounds as if they have used the YNWA version used on "Platinum - A Life in Music" (1997). There is take 2 which lasts for 3:40 minutes! Having Elvis pondering/hammering the ivories over and over again trying to get the right feel for the song. Just a little quote from the booklet of Platinum: " After the first take, Elvis restarted without a break. It was a towering performance an Elvis must have been disappointed to see the issued version stall just inside the Hot 100". Can somebody else verify whether it is this version from Platinum used for Viva Elvis?
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 18, 2010
Apparently the Japanese edition of the 'Viva Elvis' album contains 14 tracks including a "Love Me Tender' duet featuring Hikawa Kiyoshi and the JXL Remix of 'A Little Less Conversation'.
SeeSeeViva2 wrote on
November 19, 2010
i am a happy elvis fan since 33 years - started to know about him at 16th august 1977. grew up with him, and elvis was my greatest singer of the world. today he still is! i was growing up, and coming more (and more) of age, and today i like that man and his music as much as i did as a child. today the collection of records, cds, dvds... is one of the part of my "elvis-hobby" too. sometimes today it´s a pity but it is not so much time left to hear his music because you are / i am obliged to much more other things. what i want to say is: viva elvis is a new elvis. i bought the cd at the 5th november. heard at it the first time, and was not sure: is it good or bad? what is good or bad. i heard it the second and third time and started to like it very much! i remebered the years ago. do you remember the 1988 elvis fan club hongkong maxi-single with an extended version of bossa nova baby? everybody wanted to get it because it was something new - it was a "new" bossa nova baby a few minutes longer. i rememberd more years back - trying on my own to make a tape with my own extended elvis songs. only with a record-player and a cassette-recorder, and i made/cut my own 11minute-version of girls! girls! girls! and for all that (remembering) i think viva elvis is a good thing for myself and important for the new (elvis-) generation. don´t only think of the chart-position. think what it means to yourself. for my own (personal chart) viva elvis is in the moment on #1. i gave the cd to a few of my non-elvis-collegues and none-elvis-friends and they are full of enthusiasm for this new elvis album! enjoy yourself with viva elvis and taking care of elvis! uff and thanks for reading these many words! seeseeviva2
marty wrote on
November 19, 2010
I also started getting to know Elvis on August 16th, 1977 and have been an Elvis fan ever since. I too am always looking for something 'new' and FTD has given us a lot the last few years. But this Viva Elvis thing... I did hear it and do not like it at all! To me it sounds terrible for the most part. Even Elvis's, voice often taken from different recordings and mixed, is not sounding good to my ears. I would have enjoyed it more if they had used someone else to sing in these recordings rather than taking Elvis's voice. Should not have been released on CD I believe...
Jesse Garon Presley wrote on
November 19, 2010
Brian Quinn that's good news! the Album in the Top 10 in Canada
Sirbalkan wrote on
November 20, 2010
I am 29 and I loved the album so much. People, We have tons of original songs and their versions on FTDs. Today concerts are only acceptable if there are dancing, huge screens and lighting effects and huge decorations on stage. Many instruments/ electronic I mean are the thisngs new generations want to hear. Elvis was Elvis with himself and his talented orchestra but today a few artist can create such an atmosphere with her/his orchestra only. Time is changing and music is too. So people will always want to hear elvis with sound effects and etc beside listening to originals. We have to update. Update deosn't ruin the original.
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 20, 2010
Tomorrow (Sunday) 7.30 p.m. direct from Las Vegas to Blackpool, the cast of Cirque du Soleil's 'Viva ELVIS' will be performing the amazing new version of 'Blue Suede Shoes' from the 'Viva ELVIS' album on Strictly Come Dancing. 18 of the Cirque's legendary acrobats and dancers are flying in to give BBC 1 viewers an exclusive taste of the show ' the first time they have performed it outside the USA. Just seen a posting on the 'Strictly' Website and one member of staff states that they have just seen the rehearsal of 'Blue Suede Shoes" and can't begin to describe just how great it is. Sounds promising indeed and hopefully will give a boost to the Album.
Emiel Maier wrote on
November 21, 2010
That is fantastic news Brian!! I tuned in yesterday evening (Saterday) and saw the beginning of the show with a group of professional 'Strictly'-dancers daning to Viva Las Vegas. What a spectacular opening that was! Thanks for the update: I will be watching the television tonight. And I advise everybody to tune in too...!
Brian Quinn wrote on
November 21, 2010
Don't forget Sunday (21st) is also 'Elvis Night' on the Biography Channel from 8 p.m. onwards. Looks like a good night for Elvis.
Sirbalkan wrote on
November 21, 2010
What a good treat from Sony. The album is not coming to Istanbul TR. But MJ's album is already advetised in turkish language around the nation and also on official website of SONY BMG. Thank you Sony. Really thank you.
SeeSeeViva2 wrote on
November 23, 2010
hi everybody - 18 days after! - more and more i like it , no "love it" - viva elvis! great is the new "catfisch on the pole" - grrr - i like to meet that cat ;-) - i am a lot on the road, and have this cd in my car-cd-player "up and down and down and up", and every day i discover a new great elvis!!!! ciu seeseeviva2
Cruiser621 wrote on
November 27, 2010
I heard King Creole from this Viva Elvis CD on XM Satellite radio in my car and it was interesting to say the least; however, after hearing other samples tonight on-line I won't dignify this review with what I actually feel. This is out and out sacrilegious garbage and is a complete insult to the Elvis Presley's legacy.
Jesse Garon Presley wrote on
November 27, 2010
Cruiser621 you have really no idea what you r talking about ,Sweden has proven you wrong
JerryNodak wrote on
November 27, 2010
How many units does an artist have to sell to go "Gold" in Sweden?
Cruiser621 wrote on
November 27, 2010
To Jessee Garon Presley, I stand by my remarks. This CD is absolute garbage and is another scam to rake in money in utter disregard for the real Elvis Presley legacy. 13 in Holland? Wow, I'm impressed. Just another fast buck which doesn't help anyone except the fast buck backers behind this crap.
LonElvis wrote on
November 27, 2010
Elvis has two albums in the holiday charts - Elvis Christmas (19) and Christmas Time (21). Elvis Christmas is also #85 on the top 200 album chart and #15 on the catalog album charts. Christmas Time is also 93 on the top 200 album charts and 18 on the catalog album charts. Now That's What I Call Music 36 (wth the remixed Suspicious Minds) is #13 on top 200 album chart. Viva Elvis is on the "biggets fall" chart - going from #43 to #133 on the top 200. Elvis has two Christmas CDs at higher rankings than Viva Elvis.
LonElvis wrote on
November 27, 2010
Elvis has transcended popularity. He's now truly an icon regardless if he sells 1 CD or 1 million. Elvis will never be forgotten. 100 years from now people will know Elvis. So VE didn't sell like we would have liked...but the truth is Elvis 75 (4CD set) sold well this year, the Franklin Box Set sold well, and the Sony set sold out. Elvis on Tour did well. The FTDs sell very well (given their price and target audience). It's very expensive to be an Elvis fan.
Elvis currently has 2 albums on the top 200 charts, catalog charts, and holiday charts. The remixed Suspicious Minds is on an album that's in the top 20. Why aren't we celebrating that? Elvis said himself that the whole thing is about having fun - let's enjoy him and his legacy and stop worrying so much. Elvis has been dead since 1977 -- 33 years, and yet he remains a cultural icon. His legacy is well established.
Steve V wrote on
November 28, 2010
Going gold in Sweden hardly constitutes success. In America and the UK it was a failure. Why? Because the album stinks. I tired a few times to listen to it and it is absolute garbage made worse by the unknown female duets. This is what Elvis deserves? To be in a duet with a person no one ever heard of? Try that with Lennon or Sinatra. The industry would laugh you out of town. Since Elvis is treated as a joke now by most people, I guess no one even cared. Cmon, this stinks.