In a short time, 3 books about Elvis' childhood in Tupelo are announced to be released. From these series of releases, the book 'We Remember Elvis' could be the most interesting, considering the reputation of the authors. Guy Harris is the official historian of the city and Sybil Presley works as a guide in the birth house. The book compiles 4 stories of people who knew the Presleys. There stories are well documented in the book. As for now, the book is only available in the store of the Tupelo birth house.
Again, A New Tupelo book
July 24, 2010 | Book
I am Buffalo-Horn! wrote on
July 24, 2010 did have this listed, but they have now withdrawn it.
tigerpawl wrote on
July 24, 2010
If you want to read a great book about Elvis growing up in Tupelo read the book that Bill Burk wrote years ago. Bill actually went to Tupelo and interviewed everyone in the book.