Busy as always, Joe Tunzi is working on a new project: a brand new book of "Elvis On Tour". Release date for this picture book is August 2010 and will contain and extra bonus: the DVD Hot Shots And Cool Clips Volume 5. According to Joe Tunzi, the book will be a dynamic release with many unreleased photos. The upcoming book "Viva Las Vegas" is scheduled to be released next June, while the hard cover book "Elvis - 68 at 40" will be re-released in a soft cover version, next August.
New Book Elvis On Tour
April 05, 2010 | Booklamp light wrote on
April 06, 2010
No thank you his books are to expensive how many more unreleased photos could there be left of Elvis and i definitely do not like the cover.
Edge_Of_Reality wrote on
April 07, 2010
Awful cover and awfully high prices... I will never buy another $$$JOTUNCI$$$ product.