Lisa Marie And Elvis Presley Duet
August 17, 2007 | Music
Here is the Lisa Marie and Elvis Presley duet of "In The Ghetto" which Elvis' daughter recorded to commemorate the 30th anniversary of her father's death. Lisa Marie said she decided not only to sing, but to sing with him. "I wanted to use this for something good," she tells Spinner of her posthumous 'In the Ghetto' duet with Elvis Presley. "All fingers pointed towards New Orleans." She filmed the video in the hurricane-ravaged city, and all proceeds from the video and single will benefit a new Presley Place transitional housing campus there.
CEP wrote on
August 17, 2007
Super,very moving - well done all involved.Is this available on iTunes worldwide or just USA?The interview with Lisa on Spinner is very good as well - she is obviously very protective of Elvis's place in history.
dannyboy1 wrote on
August 17, 2007
I very much like the duet and approve of the whole idea. Lisa sounds great, etc... But the video's poorly cut together isn't it? I know modern video often looks like one of those babies did the editing. But there was a lot of potential that wasn't realised visually. For instance, wouldn't it have been nice to have seen Lisa and Elvis on the screen together, or even at the same time!
Deke Rivers 6 wrote on
August 17, 2007
Sung well together, but the video is poorly done in my opinion.
Mr Jones wrote on
August 17, 2007
i agree with Deke and Danny boy 1; the video is done very poorly, you should have seen them together (like the If i can dream clip) and I think it's way over the sentimental top, specially with the tears from Lisa. I like the musical mix, specially the last 1 minute but i cannot stand the over-sentimentality. so in my case, just listen to the duet and don't look the clip.
byebye wrote on
August 17, 2007
It´s ok and sincere, but "Dont cry daddy" felt much better and right as a father/dughter duet. (A missed opportunity there for sure!) I also agree that the video is over the top sentimentaly. The video also gives a kliché image of coloured people growing up with guns (?!?) The problem is politically, and the disadvanteges many people are born with. So instead of making a half hearted message video that doesn´t add up and have boldness, they should have made a standard video. Ps: And Lisa Marie, -never ever record a voice digitally with autotune, if the recording is a superb analog one in the first place. the 2 voices sounds worlds apart.
Narek wrote on
August 17, 2007
Loved It! There was absolutely nothing politically incorrect in the video. The video is raising the issue of weapon proliferation. What's bad about it? THe black kid? There were other kids too...
byebye wrote on
August 17, 2007
-The problem is that the video IS correct politically. It has nothing to do with the lyrics (!) Listen, and you´ll realise how simplified the issue is in the video. "Are you to blind to see?!"
Bryan wrote on
August 17, 2007
i love this!! lisa marie sounds great, the video is great!! i allreadyhave the MP3 of this song and it sounds's not poorly and it has nothing to do with politics whatsoever, this a great tribute to te man who is still the king !! fantastic and be a little more positive about this.
Rob Wanders wrote on
August 17, 2007
To me it makes the impression of a hasty job. they could have done much better; and I agree its too sentimental; a crying Lisa Marie; does she cry because of the idea that so many people grow up in poverty and without any prospect of a better future??? Or does she cry because she sings with her father??? In both cases it's, although humanwise understandable, artisticly not interesting; therefore false-sentiment. A rule in Art is: let the people feel emotion from your message/art, but don't let the emotion get control over you (as an artist). People start (in this case) feel sorry for you instead of be touched by the art and/or message.
Rob Wanders wrote on
August 17, 2007
By the way, I forgot, I love it music-wise, so I will buy the cd for sure. And the money will serve a good purpose and that's maybe the most imported thing. So all together I'm happy with it.
Dan wrote on
August 17, 2007
Love The song...Lisa's voice is perfect contrast to her fathers. The video leads much to be desired.....
Mielvis wrote on
August 17, 2007
Not impressed. Elvis sings it fine alone. I wish they'd leave his music alone.
ext_mnx wrote on
August 17, 2007
;) I am only interest in elvis. She can made all duets but I only buy elvis sings his songs not duets. In many parts of the world persons insulted elvis presley and lisa does nothing but God save you if you said the true in front of her. lisa must respect to elvis presley she lost her label capitol contract, her daughter lost the contract with dior and they do not know how to make money on elvis and at the same time she hate elvis because elvis presley made the best work for the world and love the world. "the help" to orleans is a way to do not pay tax. Elvis Presley personally had helped New Orleans with hands and money and meal.
Jumpin Jehosaphat wrote on
August 17, 2007
A Beautiful song destroyed. With the eye shadow she looks Like Uncle Fester of Addams Family Fame, or a racoon.
SuziB wrote on
August 17, 2007
WOW! Words defy me, Lisa has got one hell of a bad voice...out of tune, off-key and gruff as can be, YUK!
Jerome wrote on
August 17, 2007
I like it and think Elvis would be proud, also glad that Lisa is a vocalist of her own and not pretend to be a female Elvis. Can't understand why people would be against such a duet (jealousy/lack of empathy)??
lissap wrote on
August 17, 2007
Just aweome! I have played it many times and have cried each time...for so many reasons. One, Lisa Marie hits a perfect shot with her blended voice, two, the song hits home once again and is so very truthful...perhaps that is why so many have a problem with it? And three, that is basically how Elvis and his daughter would sound together today. She is genuinely touched - you can tell it when you watch the video. I will buy the single, also, as the proceeds go to an extremely worthy cause.
ext_mnx wrote on
August 17, 2007
Jerome, do not put any word in the lips of Elvis Presley. Mrs. Lockwood is 39 years-old and act like a 5 years-old child ... and with an horrendous voice.I hear her in many times And her mother beaulieu treat her like a child. She lost the capitol contract because lack of talent. Now she made revenge on Mr. Elvis Presley. I Love and respect Elvis an sing his songs in my bedroom... I do not bother somebody in my house. and is only technology... a lie before our eyes.
kkayb wrote on
August 17, 2007
I love it! I think this is something Lisa is doing that would make Elvis proud.
Sirbalkan wrote on
August 17, 2007
Oh my Good God... I couldn't stop weeping... And Lisa... As always you are an ORIGINAL... This proved it again with your previous recordings and albums. I do love you... And can't stop waiting for your new album.. More and more "Turned to Black" and "Raven" stuff...C'mooon... :0)
ext_mnx wrote on
August 18, 2007
Elvis is not here and is sad ... Treat Mrs. Lockwood like any other person. She does not invent the cure to the AIDS. }:0) and only two albums and witouth contrac....a very good reborn. She only make fun on Elvis Presley and Elvis can not defend himself.
TonyP wrote on
August 18, 2007
Suzi B, Lisa does not go off key even once in that song, so I don't know what you're listening to. Every note is in tune - no idea whether there's studio assistance, but it's in tune all the same. What you're hearing is Lisa singing harmonies, so obviously they won't follow the same melody as Elvis' part.
Mofoca22 wrote on
August 18, 2007
you people trashing lisa marie make me sick you aint no fans of elvis if your gonna sit there on your butts trashing her. you are all like judas iscariot the prick who betrayed christ. shame on all of you for it i hope someone trashes your kids to see how you would feel. lisa marie did fantastic i would love to hear her try a few more songs with her father. and sit back imagining what couldve been.
Elvisnites wrote on
August 18, 2007
In the time she had to record this I think she did excellent. Lets face it, she is not as great as her father, but then no one is, and you shouldn't expect her to be. She has a style of her own and if she would stop singing through her nose and use her chest and heart like her father, she could be a singer worth listening to. I am not putting her down. I could not do that. She is Elvis' daughter and I could not disrespect him like that. Also, lets remember why she made this recording and stop picking her apart. I for one will purchase this song.
Jumpin Jehosaphat wrote on
August 18, 2007
Maybe she should do a duet with The King of Pop a remake of thriller, after that they can go to the Circus and watch the clowns laughing at them.
lighthouseghost wrote on
August 18, 2007
oh ! how happy Elvis would've been hearing his loyal fans make a fun of his most prescious posession(so, is a child for their parents) like that..just may choose ignore if you don't like..I wonder if he was alive,would any of you have enough g..s to talk like this..ha ha!
vegaselvisfan wrote on
August 18, 2007
good rendition - what a nice duo they make! i liked the modern sound in the end of the repeating chorus. however, for the video, i am highly shocked and offended at seeing sweet children in a crib surrounded by pistols. what the freak is that??? there's other ways to visually make the point. the scenes of elvis and lisa were fine, and the babies were darling, but the rest of the video could be redone, in my opinion. tell a story. the song certainly lends itself to that. dont have guns in the crib. ick. i have other thoughts, but that's enough for now. :) i will concentrate on the good: a relevant song very nicely redone by father and daughter.
FLASHBOY wrote on
August 18, 2007
Why are you so rude with her she did great and dont forget Elvis was her Father and she love him i don't think she gives a damn about all your bad comments. Drop it folks Drop it. She did that to help other people who need to be help and love just like Elvis did when he was with us. she don,t need to be another Elvis to be a great singer she has her own style and that's fine!
SuziB wrote on
August 18, 2007
22, so I'm not an Elvis fan? Ok, so how do you explain 1000 Elvis cds? TonyP -Lisa is never ever in the right key, and if you don't call this out of tune -I suggest getting your ears checked. I studied music at RAM (Royal Academy of Music) for 3 years so I dont need you to explain what constitutes harmonising / singing. So not an Elvis fan and know nothing about music. SO I guess I've wasted my life then. You guys are blinded by sentiment - Lisa Marie Presely can not sing. And this is simply horrible, especially the completely off-key and out of tune ending.
aberia wrote on
August 18, 2007
Well I enjoyed it!! So much that reading the comments I had to add my own. I would much rather listen to Lisa Marie (and yes I do have her albums) than the awful Celine Dion. Any real Elvis fan should be aware that he himself often went for the feel of a song rather than technical perfection so if to "trained ears" Lisa Marie sounds off-key then so be it. I thought the blend of voices was great and hopefully it means such a lot to Lisa to be able to sing with her Dad as at the 30th anniversary of his death I am sad to see so called fans slagging her off. OK she has made mistakes, who hasn't? Her Dad certainly did. I am not seeing her through rose coloured spectacles either. We all mourn the death of Elvis and he touched and changed the lives of so many people who can remember the exact second they heard he had died. It would be nice if some people maybe thought about it from Lisa Maries perspective. We have had 30 years without the King. Lisa Marie has had 30 years without her father. I for one feel for her at this time as well as mourning the greatest loss to music.
Sirbalkan wrote on
August 18, 2007
I really can not believe you Elvis fans(?)... Some of you are really really mean and to be honest with you I don't like the way you treat her like that. She is original and you guys can not accept it... This duet is great as her AALLL albums... Stop it...
Lex wrote on
August 18, 2007
Again a controversy :-). If you have to mess with Elvis' music, I'd rather have a real singer. This doesn't come close to the duet with Celine Dion. Still I can have it, and actually like the chorus part at the end, although it's a bit overdone. Unless it ends up on a CD with songs I want to have, I wouldn't spend a cent on it...
Bestoftherest8301 wrote on
August 18, 2007
I can't believe some of the negative comments on this release. If Elvis was alive today he would have been as proud as any father could be that his little girl had the courage to get up there for the world to see and sing with him. I am not a technical music expert and couldn't tell a high 'C' from a flat 'B'. If you want to listen to perfect pitch go buy yourself a tuning fork and sing along with it. It don't matter whether it's in tune, harmonizing, sung through the nose or your rear end. Music and song interpretation is down to the listener - if you like it , you like it. If you don't - then don't buy it. How much have you all spent on Elvis session Cd's and enjoyed the tracks when he went off key, wasn't in tune etc... didn't complain then did you? Take this for what it is a young lady who misses her father and is trying to pay tribute to him, celebrate his life and passing. If any of you have children and daughters in particular, you wouldn't slap them down for not singing it the way you want it sang or for being outta key slightly (even if she is). I hope that Lisa goes on and does more of these duets..... I would love her to attempt 'Just Pretend' with her dad.
SuziB wrote on
August 18, 2007
Ahh sentiment, sentiment! Elvis being proud of this and her generally..Jeez, get a life. You have absolutely no idea how Elvis would feel - I don't either,of course, but, nor do I profess to. This was done for two reasons 1) Look good giving some money to charity while generating maximum publicity for Lisa 2) Record producers to pick up on the exposure of this and the 30th anniversary in the hope she may find another label. How exactly do you know I, and others, haven't moaned/complained about some of Elvis performances? Actually, on the basis of being discriminating and objective, I have many many times ie the heap of garbage called Spring Tours for one. Mitigating circumstances here but much less so at other times eg an excruciatingly bad live performance of This Is the Story from 69, a ton of "couldn't give a damn" performacnes from the 70's, both live and studio- just listen to Raised On Rock as an example of the latter. Lisa hasn't done anything for her father, absolutely nothing. If you guys have some limited lives you need to live vicariously through Lisa Marie Presley, attributing feeling to Elvis you have no way of understanding, feel free. Some of us choose not to do so...
Steve V wrote on
August 18, 2007
This actually works OK, but it's not my cup of tea and Lisa Marie is certainly no singer. To even mention that Celine Dion is beneath her is ludirous. Even a person with no musical ear can tell Celine is a bona-fide singer compared to Lisa. I could not sit thru either one's albums myself, but this duet is passable. It's a nice idea but I'd rather hear an unknown Elvis tune remixed than any duet.
Keriaboo wrote on
August 18, 2007
Lots of opinions on this one...Taking the video as a seperate entity it is poor and trite to say the least. It would have been better had they both appeared on the screen at the same time as per the "If I Can Dream" performance on American Idol. As for the actual song. It's ok, not great. I would rather have had a total re-work of it as they attempted in the last minute. Lisa says she only decided to do something 3 weeks before she did it - and it shows. I'll buy on I tunes but only as it's for a good cause. As for her singing other Elvis songs - she says no and I agree with her. Lisa has her own career and life she has not to continue her father's.
hounddog1 wrote on
August 18, 2007
I don't post much but felt the need to on this one. I do feel for Lisa Marie on the anniversary of Elvis' death. I wish her peace in knowing Elvis loves her and is watching over her. With that said, She sounds o.k. on this song. Is she a talented singer, sadly no. That is the truth. That is not what bothered me. The video is what bothered me. Babies with guns. I honestly don't think Elvis would have approved of that one. I understand the statement she is trying to get across but, I think it could have been done with a little more tact or taste. As far as the duet. I agree with another poster, I would much rather see Lisa Marie singing with her father than the overbearing, showboater celine. As far as the criticizng of fellow Elvis fans, man this is dumb! Elvis wouldn't want that! Why are Elvis fans attacking other Elvis fans on these message boards? It's horrible! Please, in the name of Elvis stop! I understand people are not going to agree on everything, but it seems there is alot of hate behind some of these posts and that is just sad to see on an Elvis site. I wish all my fellow Elvis fans the best and hope we can change the way we disagree on certain subjects.
Ged wrote on
August 18, 2007
One word - weird. I find the footage of the guns in the babies cribs somewhat disturbing, there is no need for that. Yet again Lisa Marie has vastly over emphasized her singing ability and importance. People want to see and hear Elvis, that is why we visit this website daily, buy his music and visit his home, we don't want to hear Lisa Marie, if we did we would visit her website and buy her music. Lisa has already sold Elvis out and here she is again trying to gain credibility on the back of her father.
gary 1 wrote on
August 18, 2007
People it's for charity if it raises loads of money that's all that counts.I'm sure Elvis would be disgusted seeing his daughter being bashed like this i know i am .I'm sure you wouldn't like seeing your daughter or son being ripped to bits by strangers.You should be ashamed of yourselves.And don't give me that freedom of speach crap.There is a time and a place for it and this neither.
Tomek wrote on
August 18, 2007
Great one. I don't find it weird. If you don't understand the video maybe you don't understand the words. The ending is superb. It shows how great this song is. It will never get old. And the message is now more clear then it was in 1969 or 1970. One of the best songs ever. Lisa sings really good. Elvis would be proud.
yelserp wrote on
August 19, 2007
You can always rely on Elvis fans to complain about something. They are the most hard to please fans in the world. Some of the criticism aimed at this duet/video is just so over the top. I for one find it amazing and touching. God forbid if RCA/BMG ever release a duets album. Andy
murthy wrote on
August 19, 2007
To have seen that duet live at the FedEx Forum, it was Pure Grace. Final point
Jack & Carolyn wrote on
August 19, 2007
This is a great tribute by Lisa in honor of her father with great emotion and feeling and done with with compassion as you can tell by the video. It is so much better than the duet with Celine Dion which was a terrible match as a duet wth Elvis. Lisa by far deserves the right and credit after all she is Elvis and Prisilla's daughter. Thanks Lisa, it was great.
mature_elvis_fan75 wrote on
August 21, 2007
So, let me get this straight,we can talk about Elvis problems all we want 30 years after the fact,yet we should not have anything negative to say about lisa? i agree if people are just bashing her, thats just tacky for alot of reasons,but shei s not above oppions herself,the video could have been done in a better way, yes its great to see money going to help people,doesnt mean theres not a better way to send a message,on a side note.anyone ever notise how little people talk about money that to this day is comeing from Elvis to help others!
Cher wrote on
August 21, 2007
I'd like to remind everyone that Elvis was a great fan of guns. He had them everywhere. I doubt very much if he would support a "anti-gun" video and furthermore, In the Ghetto wasn't about guns. It was about poverty. So that makes this whole video with guns in baby cribs just weird. jmho as always
Ton Bruins wrote on
August 23, 2007
This duet is absolutely beautiful. Gave me goosebumps at the Fedex Forum. Great job from Lisa Marie.