Here is another DVD edition of the Elvis western "Charro". This edition is currently available from The Official Fan Club of Great Britain. This DVD was distributed commercially several years ago.
Update: This DVD should also include the deleted nude scene, an excellent 8mm colour home movie of Elvis 'off set' and a still picture gallery in the special features section.
Charro - Hollywood Classic DVD
April 20, 2006 | Video Source:Emailwhetherman wrote on
April 21, 2006
Is this another rip-off, lousy quality, badly edited, can't hear a word they say version or a good, watchable DVD? Can anybody enlighten us?
E.J.F... wrote on
April 21, 2006
Looks like a rip-off to me. I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole! When are we going to have the official release of this and the remaining Elvis films on DVD, in good quality picture and audio? Similar to the recently released Special Edition of "Love Me Tender" which in my opinion is the best deserved treatment given to an Elvis film on DVD, not counting the Special Editions of The "68 Comaback" and "Aloha" of course.
Mississippi-Flash wrote on
April 21, 2006
Yeh...what about the movies Girl Happy, Tickle Me, Stay Away Joe, Live A Little Love A Little and Kissin' Cousins? It's been a year since the first DVD-rumours. Is there ANY NEWS..??
Tony C wrote on
April 21, 2006
I fear that this release of "Charro" will contain the poor quality version that we have already have. I hope I am wrong, I would love to see a remastered widescreen print of "Charro". In my opinion this film has always been an under-rated classic. I would imagine the remaining Elvis films will emerge next year, around the 30th anniversary time. The latest edition of "Record Collector" states that a 2-disc version of "This Is Elvis" is to be released in August 2007, although I do not know if they are reporting this news from an official statement or speculation gathered from Elvis websites. I think August 2007 would be a good time for the various companies to issue these releases, much as the release of the two DVD sets that came out in July 2004, the 50th anniversary of "That's All Right".
ger wrote on
April 22, 2006
most of Elvis movies were vary bad and Charro was one of the worst. keep it
Rusty wrote on
April 22, 2006
I am still waiting for 'Girl Happy' I like it, it's no worse than anything else issued at that time, yes a good movie but where is it? why do we need 'Charro' again ??
CD King wrote on
April 23, 2006
Not only was CHARRO a lousy movie, but this DVD is also of poor quality. It's about time they issue CHARRO in perfect quality. When I say that it's a lousy movie I mean the screenplay, editing and director did a lousy job BUT our ELVIS Presley did his best and handle the role as Jesse Wade very well. He looks the part and was very convincing. When Elvis viewed the finished production, it wasrreportee he was greatly dissapointed and he asked his sidekick Charlie Hodge "What happened to all those gunfight sequences we did?" And to RUSTY - Yes, GIRL HAPPY was a nice and very entertaining movie. Wonder why this is not out on DVD .
tigerpawl wrote on
April 23, 2006
I liked this movie because Elvis finally got away from the formula movies and was doing something different. He looked good in the part as Jess Wade and had a good supporting cast but I believe the script could have been a little better. The song fit well with the movie and this movie helped Elvis get away from singing a song in every scene and doing more acting. This is a movie taken strictly from the Clint Eastwood Western Spaghetti Classics but Clint seemed to get the better lines and directors. Elvis was not a bad actor but could not get away from what Col. Tom had formulated him into. What other singer has been in as many movies as Elvis and had as many gold, silver, and platinum units sold world wide and only know by thier first name. Nobody.
cathyreno wrote on
April 25, 2006
Charro ! brilliant movie brilliant acting from Elvis. I'm very surprised at the number of posts who don't agree. If I was guarntee the same quality I have on VHS (bought in memphis '01) I would buy it. Thanks for the feedback CD KING on quality of dvd. T C B
Tony D. wrote on
May 04, 2006
Anyone in the UK who has satellite TV ough to do what I did; recorded "Charro" in perfect quality when it was shown regularly on the movie channels about 2 years ago. I won't be bothering with this latest get rich quick version.