The trailer of the movie "Elvis Has Left The Building" with Kim Basinger, John Corbett, Denise Richards, Sean Astin and Annie Potts from Capitol Films is available. It is a big download in Quicktime format.
Plot Summary: The film centers on a Mary Kay consultant (Basinger) who is being pursued for the murder of several Elvis impersonators. While on the run, she meets up with a bored New York ad exec (Corbett). The movie features original Elvis music (Don't Be Cruel, Love Me Tender, A Little Less Conversation and It's Now Or Never).
Elvis Has Left The Building Trailer
July 26, 2004 | Video
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Abidaslam1 wrote on
July 27, 2004
I am sick to death of Elvis impersonators and the ammunition they give to the media. They hijack every important anniversary and have made Elvis a laughing stock to the general public. Not to mention the spate of silly movies influenced by them of which this is the latest. Just when Elvis is making some headway and being taken seriously we get this garbage.
gribz wrote on
July 27, 2004
Any smart person knows that the Elvis impersonators are for the most part a cartoon or parody of Elvis, so don't worry too much. Besides their are some Tribute artists that do a respectfull tribute that actually adds to the Elvis culture and inspires interest for some to learn more about Elvis, so it goes both way's...
pasa-ryu wrote on
July 30, 2004
anything to do with elvis is good to me!,if its got real elvis songs and places focus on elvis then that cant be bad?..i agree with gribz that elvis impersonators are as a rule rubbish and do not do any good for elvis' reputation and image-try telling andrew hearn(essential elvis)that,as he loves doug church and thinks he is the voice of elvis,i do not agree and whoeveer does not with andrerw is shot down in flames and accused of being hateful or their membership to his magazine is quickly cancelled./everyone has the right to express how they feel toard elvis impersonators but some some people do not think so. sad eh.