Today Johnny Cash died at home in Nashville Tennessee. He was 71 years old. Johnny Cash had just been released from Baptist Hospital, where he had been treated for an unspecified stomach ailment for two weeks.
Cash was admitted to the hospital August 25. It forced him to miss the MTV Video Music Awards in New York City, where his video, "Hurt," a song about drug addiction written by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, won for best cinematography.
Johnny Cash, whose hits include "I Walk the Line" and "A Boy Named Sue," suffered from autonomic neuropathy, a disease of the nervous system that makes him susceptible to pneumonia. He's been in the hospital several times in recent years.
Like Elvis Johnny Cash started on Sam Philips' SUN label. Elvis fans know him from the Million Dollar Quartet recorded in the SUN studio. Live Elvis performed only fragments of songs written by Johnny Cash like "Folsom Prison Blues" and "I Walk The Line". These were released on import releases only.
Johnny Cash Died
September 12, 2003 | People
loftmanuk wrote on
September 12, 2003
Thank you for the music man. It was one heck of a ride. Rest easy.
PDFMA wrote on
September 12, 2003
Rest in Peace and may God Bless You Johnny, as he blessed us, by giving us you and the great music that you gave us. Our condolences from all of us to your family.
Patrick68 wrote on
September 12, 2003
I knew this was coming, but it is still a shock. I will really appreciate the 100 unreleased song box set even more when it comes out in November. RIP Mister Cash. You deserve it.
whetherman wrote on
September 12, 2003
This is so sad! Along with Elvis, Johnny Cash was my all time favourite. I and many more will miss him. God bless, Johnny.
CapiTrueno wrote on
September 12, 2003
RIP, dear Johnny. Only one Million Dollar member to go :(
hillbillycat wrote on
September 14, 2003
message for roustabout. what a plonker. rest in peace Johnny
hillbillycat wrote on
September 14, 2003
CapiTrueno, you seem almost excited at the thought of the million dollar quartet reunion if you're waiting on Jerry Lee you got a long wait son.THE KILLER ROCKS ON. Johnny was a true original as were his counterparts that wonderfull day in 1956, Elvis, Carl and now Johnny have sadly passed on, Jerry lee is still rockin,don't wait till he's dead before you start appreciating him. Think about it.
Stacey75 wrote on
September 12, 2003
I am very young, but to me Johnny Cash was cool, just like Elvis. I wish I got to know Johnny Cash more. But I will listening to his timeless music.
oliverfosker wrote on
September 13, 2003
A very sad loss to the music industry. Rest in peace Johnny.
James69 wrote on
September 12, 2003
I just started to really get to know him through his music. Will be missed greatly.
Ton Bruins wrote on
September 12, 2003
Oh, that's very sad news; I loved his voice and listen to his CD's often. Another legend and great performer is gone. I bought his last CD just about three weeks ago.
Crawfish wrote on
September 15, 2003
RIP Johnny. You will be missed here on earth but what a welcome there will be in Heaven!! Thanks for the great songs - you, like Elvis, were one of a kind!
TCB fan wrote on
September 14, 2003
You're music will never die! You can now be a part of the legendary jam session in Heaven. It will be a wonderfull reunion of the Million Dollar Quartet. Enjoy It!!
jeremytcb wrote on
September 12, 2003
Epitomized cool and had a lot of great songs... they don't make 'em like that anymore... goodbye Johnny.