The Brazilian fan club Elvis Presley's World Fan Club released the first book of the collection Essential Para Fãs (Essential to fans) last February. This collection of 3 books will be released yearly until 2007 and it will
comprise Elvis' entire career.
The first volume's title is "O Rei de Las Vegas" (King of Las Vegas). The book is written by Waldenir Cecon, it has 240 pages and it's all written in Portuguese.
O Rei De Las Vegas (King Of Las Vegas)
March 21, 2005 | Book
Nilson Rego wrote on
March 21, 2005
ELVIS WORLD has been taking care of business with dignity and deserves congratulations and our gratitude. However, something must have happened with (the local?) pre-orders. As a fact of fact, books have not reached all sellers so far. The first were supposed to receive it still in February.
It seems that close friends were first contemplated. It looks and sounds familiar, unfortunately. If it would be a SAMBA stuff, we would understand and laugh. But, considering ELVIS and his worldwide importance, it’s really a pity. And a shame. But I BELIEVE IN THE MAN IN THE SKY.
Someone should apologize or clarify the facts. However, people seem not to be so kind and friendly like before. They think it´ s modernity. But it has other names. At least for me. Let’s pray together!
Marco Aurelio wrote on
March 22, 2005
Great book! Something good around here in Brazil. Nilson, we have received our book here. Remember, it´s something about 15 days to receive. Don´t worry, you´ll get it. I would like to congratulate Waldenir Cecon for this book and my friend Sergio Luiz, that made this awesome cover art. Congratulations to all involved. Best Regards
Sergio_Luiz wrote on
March 24, 2005
I got my book 2 days ago. It was much better than I antecipated. Looks like some people dont know how to read very well, as the website informed averybody that the books would be shipped on March 11th, and the postal office estimated the delivery time in 15, you do the maths... Its a shame that people want to put the book down just beacuse of jealousy and incompetence... TCB,
Nilson Rego wrote on
March 26, 2005
Hi Tony! Has someone already replied you about your question? Neither did I receive my copy yet, would you believe (02/09/05 receipt)! It must be a punishment for our closeness and loyalty to Elvis during the last 40 years...:-) Too much monkey business! By the way, we will probably translate Lisa and Cilla´s new book to Portuguese soon. Let’s hear EPE last word. I’ll be in touch. Best!
Nilson Rego wrote on
March 26, 2005
Hi Tony! Has someone already replied you about your question? Neither did I receive my copy yet, would you believe (02/09/05 receipt)! It must be a punishment for our closeness and loyalty to Elvis during the last 40 years...:-) Too much monkey business! By the way, we will probably translate Lisa and Cilla´s new book to Portuguese soon. Let’s hear EPE last word. I’ll be in touch. Best!
A C H wrote on
March 26, 2005
Tony, there aren't any new photos in this book. Great book. I got my copy too and I live in Portugal.
Nilson Rego wrote on
March 28, 2005
Happy Eastern, friends! Good news! I have just received the Brazilian book O REI DE LAS VEGAS – THE KING OF VEGAS, and, as a matter of fact, it was posted exactly on the day of its official release. So, something VERY wrong must have happened during the service. Never mind! It is a nice work, which makes us very proud, mainly considering our enormous difficulties to publish and to TCB in general.
Congratulation ELVIS´ WORLD, CECON and people involved on it. Fellows: DON’T THINK TWICE, IT’S ALL RIGHT! :-)
By the way, dear leaders from BURNING STAR, next June, while in Europe, I´ll try to find some time to revisit the marvelous SERRA DA ESTRELA, where I intend to degust your wonderful "fromage" again. DEUS NOS VALHA! Thank you ELVIS NEWS!