Here's the preview image of the new Miller Lite Elvis Can. It's part of an overall promotion EPE Marketing has been working on with Miller Beer and Rolling Stone magazine to celebrate 50 years of rock. This image is from the Rolling Stone cover shortly after EP's death in September 1977.
The cans should be available all over the US. Miller will include advertising inserts in Rolling Stone promoting the can series and it's great exposure for Elvis. There's also a Miller Mini-Magazine promoting the July 3,4, and 5 weekend events at Graceland.
By the way, this image was an early mockup from Miller, although it is almost exact. There is some type missing --like the web address -- and the issue of RS is not listed correctly. This is the cover image from RS #248, Sept. 22, 1977. Just so you know that on the real cans it is correctly identified.
Elvis On Miller Beer
May 25, 2004 | Other Source:Emailthekang wrote on
May 27, 2004
I emailed Miller and they replied that the "limited edition" 24 ounce cans would hit the shelves in early summer, but gave no specific date. They also said that other artists include Eric Clapton, Bon Jovi and a few others along with a Fender Guitar can as well.
Jim Semple wrote on
May 26, 2004
Good things seem to be happening over in the USA but we need something in the UK quickly.
CD King wrote on
May 26, 2004
It is so strange - Elvis Presley is known to never liked the bitterness taste of Beer. They should have put Elvis' image onto Elvis favourite drink GATORADE. Elvis also loved Pepsi-Cola. But these Elvis Miller Beer Can looks super! I'll buy a dozen to keep.
Andrew wrote on
May 26, 2004
I think its a great Idea. Beer sales are always strong in the summer and with many venues outdoors where there are alot of people, a product like this could only add to increased interest in Elvis music.
jb gude wrote on
May 26, 2004
Great idea, but who chose that picture ? You plan to cross promote the DVDs and the Sun sessions , so I would have thought a swinging little guitar man would be what it is all about either the 50's or the 68 Special black leather.
Well thats the way it is I guess. Better this than nothing!
GEORGE (GK) wrote on
May 27, 2004
I agree with Gee Bee with the alcohol issue. Let's put Elvis on a pepsi can or on Gatorade, or on Bottled water instead!! (His drinks, of choice !!) Elvis was not into alcohol. He witnessed what it did to others in his family and he semi steered clear of it. However, having Elvis Presley acknowledged by a major company is nice and brings the man, back into the spotlight, once again for the mass media to hopefully discover his talent, music and great humanity.
GeeBee wrote on
May 26, 2004
Since Elvis was opposed to drinking alcohol, I find this in very poor taste.
gribz wrote on
May 25, 2004
Great news. Keep the promo coming, and lets see some televison Ad's. When is this Miller thing going to be in the stores. They should do it with the bottles also. The 50th Anniv of Elvis, and Pop culture is an enormous happening that should be globally celebrated.
gribz wrote on
May 26, 2004
Be patient. You will see it on Pepsi. It has been already, but just not in mass production, like it will be this time.
MaryKay wrote on
May 27, 2004
I see this as MILLER celebrating Elvis, not Elvis celebrating Miller Beer. Elvis didn't have to like beer, for a beer company to like him.....see? I view it as simply one more way to honor our king of rock n' roll. I think it is great!
elvishimselvis wrote on
May 25, 2004
You know a lot of people will buy the beer and never open them and then in a few years they will be selling the beer on Ebay for three times what they paid for it. Elvis never even liked beer. Im pretty sure he didnt even like wine. I can understand the Coca Cola bottles with him on them. but this just goes to show how anything will sell if you put Elvis face on it. Never ceases to amaze me Baby! I know Im going to buy some of the Miller beers when I see them with Elvis on them.
elvishimselvis wrote on
May 27, 2004
Elvis would be great on Gatorade. We have pictures of him drinking it. and we have him talking about it. Like where he says "This stuff really works, it suppose to work 5 times faster than water. We have footage of him drinking it from TTWII. This could be taken to make an Elvis Gatorade commercial. Or take the same footage of him drinking Gatorade and digitally replace the Gatorade with a Miller Beer on the stage. That would be interesting.
Lots in the Future of Elvis!
pasa-ryu wrote on
May 30, 2004
it's amazing man!-to see elvis being advertised on such a big company,i dont think it will any harm,just promote elvis more and hopefully give him more respect he justly deserves.i am all for this idea and hope it is very successfull and does wonders for elvis and recongnition of who he was ansd still is;the king.(the man who started it all)10/10